

Well-Known Member
Anyone ever tried milk for sugars?
... or as a pesticide?

...or aquaponic applications with fish?


Well-Known Member
There is a whole slew of information in the world wide google about milk being used as fungiside and antiseptic....has something to do with the protines in it, but i guess it needs to be moxed with water at (i think it was a 1 part milk 3 parts water) ratio...and if used indoors can smell pretty bad, but had been used for i want to say i remeber atleast a hundred years (dont remember exactly how long, but a long time) and the lowfat is suppose to be better for spraying but orignally it was discovered from whole milk...


Well-Known Member
I mix 6-8 parts water to one part two percent milk to control powdery mildew right before harvest, when spraying anything stronger can leave an aftertaste.