Milliard Grow Tent?


Well-Known Member
earth worth tent man i got a 4x8 from walmart for $200. its got everything a more expensive tents have for way less. multipal intake and exaust ports, standard 600D oxford canvis all metal frame no plastic. i am very happy with my purchas very good investment


Well-Known Member
xen-lux amazon 4x4x7 tent something like 125 usd

breeders boutique 10 seeds for 60 bucks shipped. and then they threw in 10 free seeds. 3 bucks per seed.

They are mostly regular but for the same price as the regs u can get fem DOG which is the bomb shiznit. All the BB seeds i've tried are really good and healthy genetics.

so yeah there is a little less than 200 bucks for your tent and seeds.


Well-Known Member
earth worth tent man i got a 4x8 from walmart for $200. its got everything a more expensive tents have for way less. multipal intake and exaust ports, standard 600D oxford canvis all metal frame no plastic. i am very happy with my purchas very good investment
your walmart sells grow tents?