Million Man Marijuana March


Active Member
April 20, 2009 at 4:20pm on the White House lawn in Washington DC! Be there....or keep going to jail for nothing lol!


New Member
Are the Yippies still out there? I went to a few of their events in NYC back in the 70's. Crazy good time....people walking around with baggies of big fatties, giving it away. We thought that was cool. Just trying to keep the crowd together till the speeches.... :lol:

out. :blsmoke:

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
the odds of a million stoners collectively remembering to do anything at a specified date, time and location are nine quadrillion to one :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
the odds of a million stoners collectively remembering to do anything at a specified date, time and location are nine quadrillion to one :mrgreen:
True dat! And it'll involve getting up, going somewhere and DOING something? Fuuuuck that! I'd rather get baked and watch Ghost Hunters.

... It's not that I'm apathetic, I'm realistic.


Well-Known Member
Someone suggested on here the other day that rather than have a million man march on DC it should be a million man poop.

People might come to see that and I really liked the idea, whoever came up with it.


Well-Known Member
True dat! And it'll involve getting up, going somewhere and DOING something? Fuuuuck that! I'd rather get baked and watch Ghost Hunters.

... It's not that I'm apathetic, I'm realistic.
well thats true. but i think we do need to do somthing like that for the government to take us seriously. we've fell to the wayside of things. in the 60's and 70's they were ready to protest. so what they did was they made weed decriminalised to keep the parents of the kids who were getting arrested from gettin too pissed of, and at the same time keep their point about how bad weed is for you. eventhough this guy is about the march, its not a bad idea and I for one would attend.


Well-Known Member
Organizing stoners is like herding cats... a futile task if there ever was one. However, if you get enough cats together... they can make one helluva noise. Good point...


Well-Known Member
Organizing stoners is like herding cats... a futile task if there ever was one. However, if you get enough cats together... they can make one helluva noise. Good point...
hell yea. remember woodstock 1969? we should do somthing like woodstock 2009 '40 years in rememberance' or maybe 2010


Well-Known Member
Last night I dreamt that I was walking around naked and everyone was just like "Oh, Nicks" But then...i started to fly. So I was FLYING like a bird while super naked. It was awsome! And now you all wish you had dreams like me.


Well-Known Member
hell yea. remember woodstock 1969? we should do somthing like woodstock 2009 '40 years in rememberance' or maybe 2010
I seem to remember a 'Woodstock 2' (not sure if that was the name) taking place in the mid 90s... all reports, however, were that it was lame.

We should get everyone together again... make some noise! This year's Bonnaroo might be pretty awesome. I wanna go SO BAD... there are a ton of bands I wanna see.