minimum amount of cfl on mother plant


now i am using 4 27 watt 6500 k lights but i am looking at possible a possible energy reduction. the small light source of the cfl is so small. maybe i should use some tubes.. but what do you guys do? i would rather use the energy in flower room!


3? 400 watt ? tcb what is that/ wow so my 100 watts aint enuff? i am trying to cut back,, so maybe bring my watts from my flowering room leaving only the 9 watt cfl in there i didnt think that would be enuff?


i currently have (4) four .. 27 actually wattage cfls.. they are what 150 watters... to cnfuse a lil more.. but actually watts are 27x 4 thats like 100 @about. so i have 100 watts of cfl on my mom plant. i am trying to economize that and was wondering if anyone hs it whittled down any? for what its worth i guess golly maybe i could have 2 600 watt m.h. on the moms. but once again i am trying to downsize.. ohh are you saying 1 64 watt cfl? i wasthinking maybe like 5 9 watters. that woudl be liek 50 watts or heck even a 50 watt hps security light. i am looking for low watt moms. not milfs. lwm's hehe