Minor plant problem; anyone know?


Well-Known Member
Alright before i get to the problem, let me give a bit of background info on this little hope-to-be female.

She was planted into the dirt on 4/18, and sprouted on 4/20. The seed came from bag seed. She was germinated before planting.

Soil: Seedling mix from wal-mart
Lighting 24/7: 4 27w daylight, 2 23w soft-white

Oscillation fan, temp around 70.

this is what she looks like now, with yellow/brown leaves, but the other new ones are fine. i also think she looks small for her age.

any ideas? is she looking good? any info appreciated.



Well-Known Member
havent given any nutes yet, the soil is organic it says, i dont believe it has nutes in it.


Well-Known Member
Nute burns my guess. Could be the heat as well... It looks like you planted the seeds deep when you decided to move them to soil. Not really a cause of the problem just a observation. I usually poke a pen into the dirt until the main shaft of the pen and drop the seed in and put just enough over the top of the seed to cover it from the light. Also wally world usually uses miracle grow type prods. Some guys love it most guys hate it as it causes the problem you are having now nute burn. A seedling can survive off plain water alone for a few weeks..

I wouldnt exactly freak out about it as long as it doesnt progress too much more. When you water maybe try and use distilled only... They are just young your on the right track. If the others havent sprouted yet you may want to consider uncovering them some.


Well-Known Member
idk i thought 24/7 light was ok...

im also using water filtered through a brita filter.


Well-Known Member
Bsmokey brings too a good point. From my readings the plant does a lot of root growth during the night. If you have no night you have no solid roots. I use 18/6 for electrical cost purpose and the fact that I didnt see a difference between 20 hrs and 18.

Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
I'm on 24\0 and my roots are just fine.
24\0 grows faster while 18\6 makes em mature faster.

on my 400w I'd rather go 18\6 because of electricity bills and heat issues, but on my CFL grow I'd rather go 24\0.

Never had any problem with too few roots, usually the other way around.


Well-Known Member
alright ill get them on a 20/4 schedule tomorrow. thanks guys
probably safest route to go. you said room temps were 70? hold your hand right above the plant, if it is too hot you should move the lights up. looks like its ok though. Those solo cups are pretty thin light could pass through pretty easily..