Minor problems, With pics. Any help would be apprecitated


Active Member
Hey guys,

This problem is generally on the bottom, I am just wondering if this is natural or some outside influence.

* * My temps are at 80 F constant. High of 82. Low 77

* * on a 24 hour HPS

plant is LST

Thanks everyone.


Active Member
Hey Guys,
I topped one of my plants, And 2-3 days later on a 24 hours light cycle, it started to show what appears to be: Male pollen sacks..

I am not certain of the strain but is there auto flowering male seeds as well?

I have not introduced any night cycle, But it is showing flowers, I am very confused.

Anyone with some information on situations like this would help



Well-Known Member
HeyBro dont trim any leafs from your plant by your self .It look like under leafs ?!? Its normal in lst .