Miracle grow give nute burn?


Active Member
Hey everyone i have a seedling thats about 6 days old and its been planted in miracle grow the whole time its had a little bit of yellowing for a couple of days. my temp is always around 73 to 78 and my lights are about 3 inches away and dont give off much heat they are cfls. So my question is could miracle grow be giving it nute burn because it does have nutes in it.


Active Member
Yes miracle grow will definitley give your plants nute burn unless it is the seedling miracle grow, reguardless though miracle grow is not recomended because it is not all organic and it is not made to grow weed. Weed is far more sensitive to nutrients compared to most plants. So you shouldnt use regular plant food, you have to dilute it. Try to look for organic soil and make sure that it doesn't already contain nutrients in it. Seedlings dont require nutrients for AT least the first week, other than maybe vitamin b1 for helping roots.


Active Member
Yes miracle grow will definitley give your plants nute burn unless it is the seedling miracle grow, reguardless though miracle grow is not recomended because it is not all organic and it is not made to grow weed. Weed is far more sensitive to nutrients compared to most plants. So you shouldnt use regular plant food, you have to dilute it. Try to look for organic soil and make sure that it doesn't already contain nutrients in it. Seedlings dont require nutrients for AT least the first week, other than maybe vitamin b1 for helping roots.
thanks man


Active Member
I would not recomment transplanting them right now, they are already stressed from the nutrient burn, and they are fragile little babies right now, transplanting them would probably send them into shock badly and they might not make it.... if anything I would just recommend flushing your pot of miracle grow (how big is your pot? 1 gallon? bigger? smaller?) and by flushing I mean run distilled water with the right PH through the soil until you see it running out of the bottom for at least 10 seconds... But see if you already have your seedlings in like a pot bigger than 1 gallon you are going to soak the soil too much and your seedlings will get too wet for too long, which will hurt them too, so I just hope you have them in small containers so that way if you drench your soil it will dry out still within a few days, and after the soil is relatively dry after flushing it, you should THEN try transplanting into a better medium, but make sure to be gentle when transplanting or you will damage the root system of the plant. I know this all sounds tricky but its not that bad, you just need to remember next time to start off with the right soil because seedlings and clones are the most vulnerable and sensitive to their environment.


Active Member
Ok well im glad you told me this i havent moved them out of their pots yet the pot is about 7 inches deep and about 6 inches across. when i flush it will it drowned the plant? so when im flushing it. It just washes out all of the nutes?
thanks alot


Active Member
I would not recomment transplanting them right now, they are already stressed from the nutrient burn, and they are fragile little babies right now, transplanting them would probably send them into shock badly and they might not make it.... if anything I would just recommend flushing your pot of miracle grow (how big is your pot? 1 gallon? bigger? smaller?) and by flushing I mean run distilled water with the right PH through the soil until you see it running out of the bottom for at least 10 seconds... But see if you already have your seedlings in like a pot bigger than 1 gallon you are going to soak the soil too much and your seedlings will get too wet for too long, which will hurt them too, so I just hope you have them in small containers so that way if you drench your soil it will dry out still within a few days, and after the soil is relatively dry after flushing it, you should THEN try transplanting into a better medium, but make sure to be gentle when transplanting or you will damage the root system of the plant. I know this all sounds tricky but its not that bad, you just need to remember next time to start off with the right soil because seedlings and clones are the most vulnerable and sensitive to their environment.
Oh one more thing i noticed that there are these little ball that are like the size of a BB and pop with some kind of liquid in them i think its fertilizer in it so if i flushed it would it get rid of these to?


Active Member
The pot your using is not too big it will do just fine if you flush it. However those little balls you see are most likely slow release fertilizer, which means once the balls decompose they release more nutes into your soil. No flushing them will not get these out however it shouldn't matter because those balls normally dont decompose for at least a month, so hopefully your baby will be big enough to handle it by the time they pop. So yea your plan from here should be to flush it (yes that literally means flushing the nutrients out of the soil with water) The longer you flush the more nutes will come out but I would say if you soak it with water (check your ph to make sure its not too high) until water is dripping out of the bottom for at least 10-15 seconds you should be fine. Oh! and almost forgot, you should try and flush the soil at the very beggining of your light cycle so that the soil has all day in the light to dry out, if you flush it at night you are greatly increasing your chances of mildew and mold in your soil, YEK


Well-Known Member
light need to be a little bit further away when your plants are that young they are fragile and they damn sure dont need nutes that early---dont worry ive made that same mistake


Well-Known Member
My plantswere grown in mirical there whole life and I have had no problem right now I am 2 weeks into flowering and using 1/4 strenght bloom