Miracle grow question please help!

Basically guys ive got miracle grow all purpose soluble plant food in the blue power form, it tells me to use one small (1.25ml) spoon to every 1 litre of water but i dont know if thats the correct ratio so can someone please enlighten me on which mixture i should use thanks!


Well-Known Member
without any more info I would say 1/4 of what it says

Most folks here don't like MG but there is a MG thread if ya can find it might get a better answer there


Active Member
MG is a great soil to start with i use it. But one year i had used mg food all the way to flower and stoped still had a mg taste.SO DON'T USE!!! Buy bat gauno it is only about $6 a bag and off u go on growing MJ add a little bite of perlite to soil mix


Well-Known Member
use the smaller side on the scoop. mix 1/4 or 1/2 str wit 1 gal water. i aslo use mg ferts but if ur using mg soil i woodnt use the veg food till the plant is bout 3-4 weeks old cux the mg soil has time release ferts in it alrdy


Well-Known Member
Use a PPM meter, and mix it at about 100PPM. 150PPM for big plants, and 50PPM for the little guys. :wink:


Well-Known Member
just 1/4 strength until u notice your plant responding and using the nutrients.. wait a couple waterings and up the doseage to like 1/2 strength and so on...

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
Most people do not like MG because it is super concentrated non-organic nutes and most people over load their plants. I knew one guy who would put a spoon full in his soil mix and would then bitch when nothing would grow.

While products like fox farm or even home made nutes (bone meal, blood meal, ect) would be 1,000,000,000 times better; MG is okay if used in extreme moderation, less is more. I use MG and what i do is mix it how the box says into a 1 gallon jug, then dilute it with water about 1 part MG liquid to 2-3parts water.