Mirical Grow what could happen ...


Active Member
Ok guys , my plants are 7 weeks old and still in veg stage , i used john innings no.3 but re-potted them in to 2 gallon pots , but because i couldnt get my hads on john innings no.3 i got mirical grow thinking it would be just as good , but have been told this was a bad idear , what could happen to my girls , the p.h levels are 7 some times 6 , do i just water them and not use fertilizer ? i am useing a 600w hps and my strain is blueburry and cheese, i am going to switch to 12/12 in 13 days time.

Any info would be great thanks.


Well-Known Member
Your going to get mixed reactions on using MG soils, personally I have little choice in my soils so i'd dive in and see what happens. Others however will scream bloody blue murder if you bring MG soil into the same room as their babies. The common philosophy is don't use it followed by the statement use Fox Farms (which gets said so often I think their a website sponser) and it's really good advice. I've seen nothing but good things from using FF soil online even though I can't get it in canada.

As a cheaper idea for your next grow (cause growing can be addictive) build your own soil. I used a bag of store bought dirt (I used moisture retaining soil and I won't do that again) vermiculite and perlite. Threw in some of this and some of that a few crushed eggshells bla bla bla and voila, instant soil that doesn't have a ton of unpredictable chemical fertilizer in it.

Chemical burn and alternativly nutrient deficiency is your biggest worry now. MG soils have built in fertilizers so keep an eye out for those issues. You may have a perfect grow and swear by MG from now of, I can't say but I'm interested in knowing what does happen.


I grew in mirical grow my first grow lol it can be done, but the buds tasted funny. You can never completely flush them because of the fertilizer in the soil. Organic soil I've found is the best!

chuck taylor

Active Member
if u have to use MG go for it just remember to be careful with the water and u should be fine. those babys r seven weeks old in 2gals? not say omg u have 2 or anything but a 5 gal would be awesome before flower.


Active Member
Your going to get mixed reactions on using MG soils, personally I have little choice in my soils so i'd dive in and see what happens. Others however will scream bloody blue murder if you bring MG soil into the same room as their babies. The common philosophy is don't use it followed by the statement use Fox Farms (which gets said so often I think their a website sponser) and it's really good advice. I've seen nothing but good things from using FF soil online even though I can't get it in canada.

As a cheaper idea for your next grow (cause growing can be addictive) build your own soil. I used a bag of store bought dirt (I used moisture retaining soil and I won't do that again) vermiculite and perlite. Threw in some of this and some of that a few crushed eggshells bla bla bla and voila, instant soil that doesn't have a ton of unpredictable chemical fertilizer in it.

Chemical burn and alternativly nutrient deficiency is your biggest worry now. MG soils have built in fertilizers so keep an eye out for those issues. You may have a perfect grow and swear by MG from now of, I can't say but I'm interested in knowing what does happen.
Thanks for the reply , i have heard so much about fox farm soil .. i think i am going to have to get my hands on it for my nexts grow ... i will deffinately be hinking about making my own soil in the future when the founds are low and plue you know what is exactly in it , and chemical burn ?? what signs do i look for when this starts to happen ?

once again thanks for the info!


Active Member
if u have to use MG go for it just remember to be careful with the water and u should be fine. those babys r seven weeks old in 2gals? not say omg u have 2 or anything but a 5 gal would be awesome before flower.
i have been told to get these is bigger pots just waiting for the money to go buy them , thanks for the advice :D


Well-Known Member
Their are a ton of threads on nute burn and nute deficiency so have a peek around. I'm not going to bore you with the details cause it may scare you and you'll end up watching your plants for 18 hours a day and waking up in the middle of the night screaming " MAH BABIES ARE BURNING". A good thing to remember is pot is a hardy weed and it can grow in some of the most adverse conditions on earth from a plants perspective. Give it time and hope for the best, once your plants have established themselves properly they'll stand up to pretty much anything.

(Not to be confused with 'producer plants' in which every aspect of the grow is perfectly set and the plants themselves are heavy producers. Since your under time constraints, your starting out with badly damaged plants and your set up isn't up to 'producer' standards just give it your very best shot and see what happens. I'm around fairly often again and if I can't help you I know a few people that would be happy to assist you.

I hope your grow turns out well



Active Member
Their are a ton of threads on nute burn and nute deficiency so have a peek around. I'm not going to bore you with the details cause it may scare you and you'll end up watching your plants for 18 hours a day and waking up in the middle of the night screaming " MAH BABIES ARE BURNING". A good thing to remember is pot is a hardy weed and it can grow in some of the most adverse conditions on earth from a plants perspective. Give it time and hope for the best, once your plants have established themselves properly they'll stand up to pretty much anything.

(Not to be confused with 'producer plants' in which every aspect of the grow is perfectly set and the plants themselves are heavy producers. Since your under time constraints, your starting out with badly damaged plants and your set up isn't up to 'producer' standards just give it your very best shot and see what happens. I'm around fairly often again and if I can't help you I know a few people that would be happy to assist you.

I hope your grow turns out well

Top man thank you very much appreciate your help +rep


Well-Known Member
Miracle Grow is ok as long as you water properly.....aka when it's dry!....I've used MG successfully and my best grow was with Miracle Grow Organic....I also used Fox Farms but had little success with it.........My latest grows is in Humboldt Soil....which is nuteless...no nutes added til 3-4 weeks old and they are thriving. Shows me that nutes are not needed at all at first...only water......btw, I grow in 4-6" pots....yeah small....keept my plants small....yeilds are small too but when growign for yourself, a g is a g..........


Active Member
Miracle Grow is ok as long as you water properly.....aka when it's dry!....I've used MG successfully and my best grow was with Miracle Grow Organic....I also used Fox Farms but had little success with it.........My latest grows is in Humboldt Soil....which is nuteless...no nutes added til 3-4 weeks old and they are thriving. Shows me that nutes are not needed at all at first...only water......btw, I grow in 4-6" pots....yeah small....keept my plants small....yeilds are small too but when growign for yourself, a g is a g..........
true that true that , btw what strain is that in your avatar ?? looks beautiful ?