

Active Member
so i have a question... is it good to use miricle grow on your plants also as for now I am using a normal 60 watt wite lite bulb and also a 20 watt blue flourecent tube... only at night time tho but i was also wondering if thhats fine till the plants get bing and i want to bud it, or what?


Active Member
and yah i know i seem like a newb but I have some already growing and i sort of know the basics... just wanted to know about the lighting too tho, and a buddie of mine said he grew a whole plant from a normal bulb but yah...


Active Member
light should be ok, more wouldnt hurt. Stay away from MG for growing buds. Look into some fox farm products, i have had good sucess with that, but i also used organic composted turkey manure pellets with very good results as well.


Well-Known Member
:hump:+3. and also miracle grow is not a good medium. and fox farm products are hard to find sometimes especially in my state id stay with some basic soil mix that is not a miracle grow product.:hump:


Well-Known Member
and yah i know i seem like a newb but I have some already growing and i sort of know the basics... just wanted to know about the lighting too tho, and a buddie of mine said he grew a whole plant from a normal bulb but yah...
um....................you know the basics? So I guess you wouldnt be interested in a copy of my book "Dont be full of shit, just go read the
GROWFAQ " would you?:hump:


Active Member
um....................you know the basics? So I guess you wouldnt be interested in a copy of my book "Dont be full of shit, just go read the
GROWFAQ " would you?:hump:

I'm not reading your fancy words with your text dealect and your fancy scentences and your childish ways how bout you get out of your parents house and make something of yourself insted of making stupid jokes... atleast I'm not using gatorade to water my plants... and the reason I'm using miricle grow is caue theyre seedings i am only at the 3 leaf stage.. so a little miricle grow now cuts back n time.. I know never to use it while making my plants flower... I was mostly concerned about my "night time" lighting i was planning on trying an led grow light too to see if it will cut down on my power bill. any one found a good energy effeciant bulb or do none of you people in here pay bills.


Well-Known Member
and the reason I'm using miricle grow is caue theyre seedings i am only at the 3 leaf stage.. so a little miricle grow now cuts back n time.. I know never to use it while making my plants flower... I was mostly concerned about my "night time" lighting i was planning on trying an led grow light too to see if it will cut down on my power bill. any one found a good energy effeciant bulb or do none of you people in here pay bills.


Seriously man... The people leaving these comments are leaving them for good reasons. Yeah maybe their method of advice isn't suited to you but their right.:-|

You CAN NOT use a regular incandescant light to grow, the spectrum and lumens are ALL WRONG. Also it puts out way too much heat. :fire:

Also you claimed to be experienced... Then you would know NOT to use ANY KIND of fert on seedlings or young plants.

There should never be any "night lights" for your dark cycle, thats why its a dark cycle. Also LEDs have been inefficient for sustaining growth.

Your comment on the bill payments is worded to be offensive BUT, I have 7 flouros, my bill has actually gone down ~$8 in average since before I have been growing, and in this last month it went down $11. :mrgreen:

When asking for advice it is a bad idea to get offended by peoples constructive criticism.. Please... Do yourself a favor and check out the GrowFAQ. We can tell who has read it and who hasn't no matter how experienced they may claim to be. :peace:



Well-Known Member
Miracle Grow is not recommended for growing cannabis at all.

However, there is one exception - Miracle Grow Patio.

Miracle Growa Patio is the ony one you should consider using - it is a complete secondary feed.

If you wish to buy a soil medium that is specifically manufacturered to grow ganja in, then check out Plagron Bat Special Mix. it contains five different types of peat, sphagnum moss, perlite, and bat guano. Should not have to feed the plants for at least the vegging period - if not for the entire grow.

If you are using decent soil then there is no way you should be using nutes so soon. you will only over feed the plants and create problems for yourself. It is worth bearing in mind the that cannabis burns very easily - so you should always start with a quarter strength solution to begin with, and build up.

good luck :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I'm not reading your fancy words with your text dealect and your fancy scentences and your childish ways how bout you get out of your parents house and make something of yourself insted of making stupid jokes... atleast I'm not using gatorade to water my plants... and the reason I'm using miricle grow is caue theyre seedings i am only at the 3 leaf stage.. so a little miricle grow now cuts back n time.. I know never to use it while making my plants flower... I was mostly concerned about my "night time" lighting i was planning on trying an led grow light too to see if it will cut down on my power bill. any one found a good energy effeciant bulb or do none of you people in here pay bills.
Who the fuck are you kid? You come in spouting off some ridiculous shit and claim to "know the basics" well if you dont even have a clue as to what lighting will work, you obviously dont know the basics. And fancy words, fancy sentences? I think not, I'm purposely using small words so you can understand what I'm saying.Get out of my parents house? I OWN my house kiddo. As in paid for in full, no mortgage, no loan.Make something with my life? I have a good career, and 2 college degrees. And as for your shit talking "do any of you people in here pay bills?", lick my dick you little cunt wipe. Seriously who the fuck do you think you are, you're gonna come in here and talk shit, when youre the one using an incandescent(i.e.=normal, in case that word was to fancy for you) bulb to try and grow with. Get the fuck outta here.


Well-Known Member
And as a side note, Mr. King-of-the-run-on-sentence, a little bit of punctuation here and there would really make your childish jibberings a little easier to read. Maybe you should just stay in high school and leave growing to the grown ups.


Active Member
alright ass breathers... ill be nice and give the real advice here... miracle gro says on the container not 2 use on a young plant... i would start after a month with the normal doses unless u've figured out wat works for ur plants... and most importantly miracle gro can only help ur plant grow if it can photosynthesis all that with the help of the sun, or in this case a gro light... if u want ur plant 2 bud and not die of stress in its pathetic state get him some light... ur feeding him like hes ethiopian.
ps. if u cant get a light give it sugar cuz thats how it feeds itself. Good luck... srry i called u ass breather but there was sum stupid shit in this thread.


Active Member
it's amazing how so many people can't take the time to read a little bit but go right into grows blind.

I never went in blind i had a buddie help me thats grown lots before... he has grown lots of bud from a normal bulb he just doesnt reccomend it because you get like nothing for bud... and the bulb i was originally looking at was a 400Watt bulb but then i was thinking flourecent then i heard about LED grow lights and i was like WHHHHHAT? so now I'm trying to figure out what type of lighting would be the cheepest and have good results. and i find its better to ask people rather than read a book just cause welll I'm sure you understand ADD and reading = a not very good combination for trying to get some information.


Well-Known Member
...and in regards to your "night time lighting" question, what dont you understand in the phrase "dark period"?.