MMJ Guidelines for San Diego County...please help

PlinyThe Elder

Active Member
can anyone tell me what the posession limits are for San Diego?.
I'd like to start a grow, but have seen conflicting info. for amounts.
Is it the 6 plant, 8oz. bud limit?
I've seen something on I believe Ca Norml list that showed something like 24 plants and 1lb. of bud limit...?


6 mature plants or 12 immature plants 8oz of dry cannabis at all times. Stupid limitations because out those 6 mature plants you could get a nice amount that can put you over the limit.

What should I throw away my excess? LOL !
im sorry but for San Diego it is 24 plants total.....only 6 can be for the 8oz rule it is you can only purchase 8oz at a are allowed one ounce on you ...anything up to ONE pound is allowed but has to be in trunk or if your walking, backpack.....many collective snow may limit you to only an ounce except for those whose recommend allow more
oh yea for the remaining flowers you have...bring them to a collective your a member of and theyll pay you for your expenses and time......


Well-Known Member
you can only have 24 plants if you live in the city of San Diego.
If your in any of the San Diego Counties, its 12 immature or 6 mature.

8 ounces is the most you can buy from any dispensary per day, but many have a lower limit than that.
if your plants over produce, you can call a collective tell them your coming by with a Pound, or whatever your excess is, and sell it to them. so if you get pulled over, you have a perfectly legitimate alibi.