MN Outdoor Guerrilla Grow


Lookin good man, what part of MN you in if you don't mind me asking? I could walk 2 minutes and be in Minnesota and it was freezing this morning.


Well-Known Member
damn dude those are great lookin girls. howd everyone else do after last night? my girls are lookin super frosty, like no crystals last week and now 5 days later theyre like white! no damage fromk the cold last night for me, hope tonight goes well but is supposed to be icy as hell here!

Active Member
No frost down here last night, but I was riding the edge of it ........ bet you guys from up North felt it though ! Top of the car had frost, but no plants in the area had any whatsoever. And looking like temps are beginning to climb back into the upper 60's and 70's real quick here. This will really push them into the final weeks where they start to fatten up and possibly lend some nice fall colors into the buds. Although I have been insect free with every plant actively tended this season, these cold temps also serve to stave off any members of the insect population that would prey upon my plants and really dampens down any leaf spot spore production as well.

Things are a-ok here and this grow pushes forward for the next couple weeks and into October hopefully. A lil rain seems to be on the way next week, so I will have to monitor that. But no mold at all this year. Things appear to be under control as far as that goes. I attribute that to a dose of Eagle 20 in preflower, really boosts the defense against mold well in advance. This coming rain will be telling.

Thanks for the questions and I hope I mostly answered them indirectly. I only smoke what I personally grow, ever. So a small branch broke off of the shiny with trichomes NL and I sampled some early bud. I am very stoned !


Well that's good to hear, yeah it's been cold up here the past few days but I think the weathers going to change.


Active Member
OG, how long does it have to freeze before it kills the plant?
if it does frost over, can you still salvage the bud, or is it destroyed immediately?


Well-Known Member
this is an awsome grow my friend even though u say its small its big to me lol im deff gonna come back and start watching this thread

Active Member
SdY183 Nahhh, they can take a light frost ok without any damage. It's when there's multiple frosts in a row or a hard freeze that damage may occur. I'm sure some strain fare better than others as well. Basically, you just gotta watch them close. The bud is most definitely fine and salvageable. Maybe slight degradation of THC....... maybe not. The leaves usually die off well before the bud gets damaged, but it makes bud rot set in faster, gotta be careful and keep your eyes peeled. Good Luck

stonedoutcam Thanks and glad you like this grow. Keep coming back, harvest will be in the next 3 weeks or so !