Moderate Grower with Hand me Down system not sure what to do


Active Member
I just acquired a free system from a family member that is canadian. I am in a part of the US obviously where we are looked down upon, but I am Cali Born and Raised. I am very experienced with growing Aeroponics a with a 1000 watt mh/hps hybrid ballast and hood. What I have now is a massive Ebb and Flow system with a sun system 4 lamp High Output t5 bulbs. I also obtained a random hood with no ballast(need help determining if I can make this any watt I prefer. Also Photo included to help fill peices in that I have not answered yet. Can anyone let me know what I have and what else is need to again have another successful grow, I am a little perplexed on Ebb and Flows, they seem sort of old school and old technology. But please I am open to all positive feed back. Good luck to all in the movement to bring down prohibition and stop the stupid drug war killing countless innocent lives. I did inhale :) kiss-ass