Molasses: Can it go Bad?


I just got done reading a few post about the positives and negavtives of using or not using molasses and I figured I would give it a shot. I just have a couple questions that havn't been asked(I think), so if some one would be so kind as to help me out, that would be great . . . . yeeeaaa.

1.) How long can a tea containing both molasses and fert( B.M.O. flower power and floral harmony ) be bubbled for until it "goes bad"?

I tend to let my teas bubble for @ least 48 hours but I noticed this morning my molasses tea looks a little funny, things floating in it and its lighter than it was yesterday.

2.) How soon should you start using it on a new plant?

I had to kill a male last week and now I'm hoping to squeeze in 1 extra seed this year using "his" old soil, which brings me to a different subject.

3.) Is it safe to use the soil that a male grew out of, or will left over pollen possibly fert. a future female.

4.) Also whats the best way to replinish/recycle soil to reuse it? I've got xtra seabird guano, dolomite lime, wormcasting(1pound), epsom salt, greensand, and perlite but no sphag. moss just wondering if anyone has any ideas.


Well-Known Member
things floating aren't good - does it have an unpleasant order? if it does you may want to toss it


things floating aren't good - does it have an unpleasant order? if it does you may want to toss it
Yea I did & naa it didn't smell at all, I waited as long as I could for a reply but I just got 35 views, so I used my gut and chunked it. I decided to just use 1 tbspn of molasses and give the plant its last dose of SPT kinda give it roots a lil boost before the next attempt at the flowering tea with the molasses.
Also I'm just gonna assume that bubble-ing for more than 24 hours is a bad idea with molasses. Better to make an ASS out of u or me than to make trash outta my plant. Where's OhSoGreen when you need him. . . . oh wait he's probably growin that fine organic.


Active Member
Yea I did & naa it didn't smell at all, I waited as long as I could for a reply but I just got 35 views, so I used my gut and chunked it. I decided to just use 1 tbspn of molasses and give the plant its last dose of SPT kinda give it roots a lil boost before the next attempt at the flowering tea with the molasses.
Also I'm just gonna assume that bubble-ing for more than 24 hours is a bad idea with molasses. Better to make an ASS out of u or me than to make trash outta my plant. Where's OhSoGreen when you need him. . . . oh wait he's probably growin that fine organic.
do you have need to be more explanitory asshole


Hey somEGuy1 could you be more explanitory as to why you have any reason to call me an ass hole. All that needed to be said was my molasses tea was lookin kinda funky, I highly doubt a picture of a milk jug with brown liquid inside is really gonna make a huge difference in wether people respond or just view my post. I didn't get mad that no one answered my post I just did what I assumed was right. Thats why I said better to make an ass out u or me.....( ya know ass-u-me )

People like you piss me off, you ruin perfectly good forums with your petty childish name calling, grow the fuck up, and do like your momma told you if you don't have anything nice to say then dont say anything.

Yea Smokinmayne it wasn't a good day for my gunners, but I look at it this way, they scored on a PK and on a Own goal. They really didnt out play us, we won the possesion battle(which is hard as hell against manu), we were on the road and we still took it to them like we were @ home, and if it wasn't for Ben Foster playing outta his mind we could have drew or even won. I'm tryin to see the up side, we looked strong and hopefully we learn from our mistake's. Man-united with out C. Ronaldo just doesn't scare me the way they used to. GO GUNNERS

P.S. it's nice to see another footie fan on the forum's


Well-Known Member
i always let my tea of molasses sit for 48 hours before i feed my plants bro!! there should be a film on top of the water after 48 hours just stir the water up good and feed them!! that film is your nutes being broke down smaller!! heck people put shit on there plants how can molasses be any worse? i do it all the time and you can tell the plants LOVE IT!!


Well-Known Member
I use molassess and that film is good bacteria muching i think i read some where.

Ye man, off topic you are always going to get some Arsehole on here.

Good luck with the molassess, i use them and swear by it.

Use later on when your flowering 5 - 6 weeks or so, when the buds start to swell.


Well-Known Member
yea, im not an arse fan, but i wasnt happy with the outcome of that match. gunners could win that... Daamn it!
I just started using molasses, i didnt know you have to leave them for 48h, thanks for info..


Well-Known Member
I'm a Dutch fan our family is from there so any team van persie is on I root for
I'm more of a Liverpool fan than any other but arsenal have looked toP notch this season