molasses, gravity,cha ching, and potash


Ok gals and guys. Got some SFV, sour diesel and a Ice growing outside. The ice looks beautiful. As well as the SD. However the sfv flowers are pretty small. So I call myself giving the sfv something to boost the flower size. Ergo, the molasses and gravity. The cha ching was given to induce more calaxyes production. Oops I forgot to mention the liquid karma for the yucca extract. Hopefully it will help the plants weather this change in weather. Plus a pinch of potash (0,0,60) more production of tri's. All put in 13gals of dechlorinated water. The weather here in MI, has been cool, upper 60's during the day and mid to upper 40's at night, with rain on occasion. According to the weather it should hit the low 70's . Will this cocktail do the trick or will the gravity just harden the buds.