Molasses yellowing your leaves


Well-Known Member
Your leaves will naturally start turning yellow as the plant burns the remainder of the Nitrogen in it's reserves....
Adding nutrients (N) now will not really help since it takes about 7-12 days for a plant to react.... then you have too much nitrogen because your plant won't use up all he extra you have now...
Adding Molasses has no negative effects in this case..
for the person that claims that Molasses causes your Ph to go down.... that is an opinion right?? Because you made it sound like it was factual and you are certainly wrong...


Well-Known Member
I did an experiment this year - gave one group of plants molasses - none to the other. Both groups received my normal NPK ferts.

No detectable difference whatever between the 2 groups. IMHO molasses is another Old Wives´Tale.
Was it a True experiment or was it a Quasi experiment... I am wondering how you accounted for the confounding variables?? Did you run a chronbach's alpha to check your validity?
Oh you mean that kind of experiment... the kind where you want to sound like you are scientifically sound but in all actuality you are just expressing your opinion....
What were you looking for as far as observable changes?


Well-Known Member
Hello all-
From my experience Molasses will turn your leaves yellow. :-o
I used 1 tbsp a gallon, twice a week during last years grow (in the ground, outdoor) and had too many yellowing leaves to early. This year I cut way back after reading a post by Veggiegardener about molasses and yellowing leaves.
This year just 1 teaspoon a gallon only once a week. so one/sixth of what they were getting last year and no yellowing of the leaves this year. I know they will yellow as the buds ripen, but mine are on the flush and will be harvested next week. So, IMO....Molasses WILL yellow your leaves.
Good Luck


Well-Known Member
It's a common abbreviation for: In My Opinion (IMO).

If you text a lot or write a lot on forums, you'll pick it up eventually. :-)

I text alot but wasn't sure as to what that one meant lol...good to know

Well ill try using more Nitro and maybe that might help aid in getting my plant to give me a few more buds as well... im trying to cut a bud off every so often to see if the plant will try and grow more buds where i cut the ripe ones off at


Well-Known Member
Your leaves will naturally start turning yellow as the plant burns the remainder of the Nitrogen in it's reserves....
Adding nutrients (N) now will not really help since it takes about 7-12 days for a plant to react.... then you have too much nitrogen because your plant won't use up all he extra you have now...
Adding Molasses has no negative effects in this case..
for the person that claims that Molasses causes your Ph to go down.... that is an opinion right?? Because you made it sound like it was factual and you are certainly wrong...

I did a Aqua check pool... PH ... Bromine... alkalinity test strip on a half TBSP of Molasses in a 8 ounce glass of warm water from my faucet and got these results:

*Ph* was way below the 6.4 range on the ppm scale. The ppm scale starts reading at 6.4 and the test strip didn't even turn much of a color at all to even properly give it the 6.4 reading so I would say it was 0.0-6.0...

*Bromine* was 0-1 ppm which is low taking into consideration it has a range from 0-10 low to high

*Alkalinity* was the only thing I can say that was high. it was in the 180-240 range which was high to very high out of a 0-240 ppm range

Anyone see how any of this might cause a problem for a plant at all ?


Well-Known Member
What were you looking for as far as observable changes?
Stop trying to be a smartass - I am an academically published scientist and I suspect every bit as intelligent and educated as you are. Probably more so.

Certainly in statistical method.

What observable changes was I looking for? BIGGER BUD - proponents of this substance claimed their bud was massively enhanced. My experimentation showed no such observable phenomenon.


Active Member
yea that should be fine , give them a full feeding of it , nitrogen goes along way.
if you are flowering, and have been flowreing (which you should be by now), then I wouldnt use ANY fish poop fert at all. Cut the N out to almost nothing, and use nutes for flweroing, such has Fox Farms Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom. Takes the N out and ups the P and K.


Well-Known Member
I say there should be a full blown test trial on some plants.

1 plant will be feed ONLY mollases , but feed LOTS to see how mutch of it can it drink without harming it.(monitoring ph)
2 plant grown with mollases + other nutrients.
3 plant grown without mollases
4 plant grown only with nutrients.
5 plant......

We need to do this and break down the facts , who cant spare a few seeds , even if they are males then fuck it put all males in a room and see of those plants rown under those conditions can have any difference.
What is mollases anyways , a sugar , carbs. and what are these carb sugars siupposed to do ?
Increase flower but why , beacause it produces more areas for the flower to form ?
Im not sure so this is a question to you guys .

But we need to start from the begening and work our way back around to the fountain that sprang this mystery.


Well-Known Member
Mollases feeds the microbes in you soil not the plant. The microbes in you soil make the nutrients available for your plant to use. Mollases will lower the ph of the soil. If the ph of your soil is already low, it will make it difficult for you plant to absorb any nutrients=Yellow leaves.If your not feeding organic most microbes are dead from the salts in the manmade fertilzer which also lower your ph. Spanishfly, maybe you didnt see any difference cause your organic plants are already receiving everything they need.


Well-Known Member
Mollases feeds the microbes in you soil not the plant. The microbes in you soil make the nutrients available for your plant to use. Mollases will lower the ph of the soil. If the ph of your soil is already low, it will make it difficult for you plant to absorb any nutrients=Yellow leaves.If your not feeding organic most microbes are dead from the salts in the manmade fertilzer which also lower your ph. Spanishfly, maybe you didnt see any difference cause your organic plants are already receiving everything they need.
I belive this is whats happening with my babys , they seem verry healthy grown with lots of organics.
mollases had turned a leaf or 4 yellow but that was it everything looks healthy.
You dont belive me judge it for yourself check out my signature.
i just updated today, so comment and let me know what you think.


Well-Known Member
well i cant say whether or not I saw any difference using molasses as opposed to not but what I can say is some how one of my plants died in a one day period like as if some one poured poison in the pot of one of my plants. I water between every 1-4 days and the plants have gotten close to dieing a few times but only showed wilting, once my plants were given water they jumped right back up to there normal happy position looking vibrant as ever. so I am curious is anyone has had a plant wilt and dry up till the leaves are able to turn to dust in a 1-3 day period. Maybe the roots had a lock out and couldnt absorb water even though the soil was moist ? I poured out the pot to observe the soil and I saw grey fuzz kinda like mold in my pot. It was a patch about 2 inches by 2 inches wide. Im not sure if those are roots or if it had gotten mold in the soil and thats how it died...blows my mind lol its a big bummer to come this far and lose a plant..

oh well...any idea's


Well-Known Member
like others have said, im just backing them up
molasses doesnt help your plant hardly any, it mainly feeds the microorganisms in the soil, not your plant
use unsulphered, black strap molasses, any brand works. if you arent growing organic and you are using chemical fertlizers, DONT USE MOLASSES
it does not "fatten" up your buds or make them any more sticky, just because molasses is sticky, doesnt mean your buds will be
also use it sparingly, a teaspoon or less per gallon water/compost teas
good luck


Well-Known Member
what do you mean poof ? its passed away?

like I described above ^ I went to water my plants and one of them was dry as the sand of the sahara ...i dunno wth happend cause it wasnt like i missed a watering or waited to long. even if i did i usually can save them...this time it just up and died and dried up till the leaves were easily crumbled between my fingers


Well-Known Member
i have northern lights, hawaiian skunk, super lemon haze, brainstorm, cheese and smurfberry... using 3 tbsp per gallon every watering. yes! every day. they are flowering in about a month for harvest. only my super lemon haze has yellowing leaves, all of them are doing fine so far. so i will support that no! molasses does not kill your plant nor make your leaves turn yellow.


Well-Known Member
like I described above ^ I went to water my plants and one of them was dry as the sand of the sahara ...i dunno wth happend cause it wasnt like i missed a watering or waited to long. even if i did i usually can save them...this time it just up and died and dried up till the leaves were easily crumbled between my fingers
could be that you water them in the middle of the hot sunny day that would fuck your plant.


Well-Known Member
could be that you water them in the middle of the hot sunny day that would fuck your plant.

probly why lol...that would have explained it...what does that do when you water in the mid summer day...shock the roots i know but what it cools them down way to fast and makes the cells freak out ?