

Well-Known Member
yes in the pancake and syroup issle... it contains micro nutes and starches that will swell up ur nugs... i use it every watering including feeds from week 2- harvest... u can use it as ur flush... stop useing nutes about 10 days-2weeks b4 harvest and feed it mollases and water till u pullit


Well-Known Member
Hey thanks everyone...

You add every watering... How much should I add say per gallon of water??
sum say 1-2, sum say 2-3... i used about 4 large table spoons to 6 liters( bout a gal and a 1/2).. i used 6 liters cuz thats the size of my watering can... ur room may start to smell like dog shit after useing it.. i presum hats normal cuz that happened to me.. i created a post regarding the smell and others had agreed others did not but no1 said that it was a bad thing like mold as i asked if it could be rotting...


sum say 1-2, sum say 2-3... i used about 4 large table spoons to 6 liters( bout a gal and a 1/2).. i used 6 liters cuz thats the size of my watering can... ur room may start to smell like dog shit after useing it.. i presum hats normal cuz that happened to me.. i created a post regarding the smell and others had agreed others did not but no1 said that it was a bad thing like mold as i asked if it could be rotting...
Thanks bro.