
Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
I just dont lie to myself about what I'm doing and why I'm doing it.

That's all... Again, for like the 10th time, I use molasses.... But only as good for microbes.

I'm done with this man. How long have you been growing?
Doesn't matter how long I've been growing. What I'm stating is simply Biology 105.

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
Why is it despite me delivering a well-reasoned and evidenced argument to you that you just write it off like I'm inexperienced and therefore stupid? It seems more like a personal issue with me, and I don't even know at what point you started having beef with me.

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
It sure as fuck does!

Let me get this right, you have a cheap led, mg soil, I'm guessing a small tent, 1-2 plants total aaaaaannnnnd you're trying to school me on molasses? Does that sum things up?
What I am stating is a macrofield above horticulture. We are talking biology. This knowledge I'm reiterating transfers over, even if you have only limited experience growing. Anyone as intelligent as you should be able to make sense of what I am saying. And I don't use a tent.

Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
Why is it despite me delivering a well-reasoned and evidenced argument to you that you just write it off like I'm inexperienced and therefore stupid? It seems more like a personal issue with me, and I don't even know at what point you started having beef with me.
No man, I've just noticed that lately you believe everything that comes out of your mouth to be the word of God.

I'm not sure if you noticed that or not

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
Lol you literally said molasses is the best thing since sliced bread and I said no it isn't and then all this happened
I definitely didn't say that, Gary. This further leads me to believe I somehow upset you, and your issues with me are personal. I'd like to discuss them if possible, in private. Because I would like to find out where this is coming from. All I said was that molasses works. Maybe not your argument, but the argument here was that it didn't.

Do you know why salts build up in synth setups? Because the nutrients are bound to salts. Potassium silicate or sulfate for instance. At some point, the nutrient is severed from the salt (the bond is broken), with pH playing a role in this, and the plant takes it up.

In organics, we use the actual chemical, not chelated. Like how Desoxyn is methamphetamine hydrochloride and actual glass is just pure methamphetamine. We get these nutrients from the microbes eating and deteriorating the organic matter, breaking it down into a form useable by the plan. Think of the raw form as that chelated form as in synths, and the microbes break the bond, so to speak.

If I can iterate all of this, lucidly, I don't understand why you feel like you want to argue the point. These are facts. All I want here, from this site, are facts and fun. You have to admit: This site is full of bullshit information that even you, at one time, believed in. I'm trying to eliminate that.

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
Olive you are having too much hubris man, chill out with the chest bumping your just a small fish in a big pond.
I'm definitely not showing hubris, I'm simply defending what is correct information, so it can't get swept to the wayside as the Bullshit Express plows through the science,interfering with people's ability to learn.

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
short answer is NONE of them are, they collectively are.
photosynthesis is what is responsible man
NOT any one macro, that I promise you.
where are you reading this info from?
Again, this is partly true. But potassium has been identified as one of the biggest contributors. It's what the plant uses to fuel its trichome production. You drink milk for its calcium, right? And when you drink it, there are millions of little microbes in your stomach that break it down into nutrients that your stomach can absorb properly. Why is this so hard for you to understand?


Well-Known Member
I'm definitely not showing hubris, I'm simply defending what is correct information, so it can't get swept to the wayside as the Bullshit Express plows through the science,interfering with people's ability to learn.
Sometimes you are just not right man, i'm gonna have to say you are full of hubris at this point, you should take a step back and reevaluate yourself, having this much issue with admitting one was wrong is a serious character flaw and you cannot grow if you cannot learn from your mistakes, I make pleanty of them I argued so hard at @greasemonkeymann about something I WAS WRONG ABOUT, I admit I was wrong and we moved on from it and I hope we are more friendly because of it, you gotta earn peoples respect.

Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
I definitely didn't say that, Gary. This further leads me to believe I somehow upset you, and your issues with me are personal. I'd like to discuss them if possible, in private. Because I would like to find out where this is coming from. All I said was that molasses works. Maybe not your argument, but the argument here was that it didn't.

Do you know why salts build up in synth setups? Because the nutrients are bound to salts. Potassium silicate or sulfate for instance. At some point, the nutrient is severed from the salt (the bond is broken), with pH playing a role in this, and the plant takes it up.

In organics, we use the actual chemical, not chelated. Like how Desoxyn is methamphetamine hydrochloride and actual glass is just pure methamphetamine. We get these nutrients from the microbes eating and deteriorating the organic matter, breaking it down into a form useable by the plan. Think of the raw form as that chelated form as in synths, and the microbes break the bond, so to speak.

If I can iterate all of this, lucidly, I don't understand why you feel like you want to argue the point. These are facts. All I want here, from this site, are facts and fun. You have to admit: This site is full of bullshit information that even you, at one time, believed in. I'm trying to eliminate that.

Have you done it with and with out molasses?
Did you run a side by side?

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
Sometimes you are just not right man, i'm gonna have to say you are full of hubris at this point, you should take a step back and reevaluate yourself, having this much issue with admitting one was wrong is a serious character flaw and you cannot grow if you cannot learn from your mistakes, I make pleanty of them I argued so hard at @greasemonkeymann about something I WAS WRONG ABOUT, I admit I was wrong and we moved on from it and I hope we are more friendly because of it, you gotta earn peoples respect.
Look, I have no problem admitting when I am wrong. But I've explained, thoroughly, why I'm right. The only point you're trying to drive home to me is I come off arrogant, and I'm sorry that I do, but that doesn't make what I'm saying wrong or invalid.

I truly am sorry that I rub you all the wrong way, it's something I'm trying to deal with, myself.