Mold problem


Well-Known Member
Spray a antigunfal spray on them i use serenade works better as a prevenative then cut infected branches out. Do this soon or it will spread.


I had read on RIU that 1 part milk to 9 or 10 parts water, sprayed directly on the plant will kill the mold. Throws the ph outta whack ....mold is a regular Vancouver Isle thing when outdoors
I had read on RIU that 1 part milk to 9 or 10 parts water, sprayed directly on the plant will kill the mold. Throws the ph outta whack ....mold is a regular Vancouver Isle thing when outdoors
Imma Give that a try... In the mean time here is some pics... the last one is the mold.... or what I suspect to be mold!



Well-Known Member
that shit look more like powder mildew than mold....
buy something for it ...milk will do little outside...i use mildew cure...


Well-Known Member
where can I buy mildew cure... I'm looking for a fungicide that is safe good and can be gotten at the local stores...
Try Serenade. Available at most good nurseries in W.WA and at any grow shop. About $12 for one spray bottle, or $23 for concentrate that will make many, many bottles if you buy a dedicated sprayer for a couple bucks.


Well-Known Member
lol just use some water and a clean rag...wipe it off. If it comes back in that same spot then try using something.