molding bud?? after i cured


Well-Known Member
hey guys so i left on a trip for about 11 days i came home and now my buds i had in curing jars are all white film over them like cob webs.. i must not have let them cure properly.. im wondering if there is anything i can do to stop the mold?

or is it ok to still smoke it? should i stick it all under a fan and throw them into the freezer..

is the bud all ruined?? its about 3 oz worth...


any ideas. i opened all the jars and shook the buds around and cant really see any mold anymore..


Active Member
Sounds like you didn't dry them properly before jaring them up. Also it's a good idea to pop the lid daily for a while. Seems to work nice for me.

You can do a thing called a water cure. There's probably threads around here about it. If not google it and you'll find it. If that isn't for you try an extraction with butane. I've never tried BHO on mouldy bud so not sure if it will extract anything from the mould. I doubt it though. Maybe try BHO on some of it first if you try that. I wouldn't smoke it mouldy. The bits which aren't effected should be OK if you break it and seperate it. The rest I wouldn't smoke. Not for any health reasons, just cos it would be some nasty shit. So they're the options I would go for.


Well-Known Member
if i dry the shit out of it right now will it still mold? it doesnt look tooo bad but im sure mold just gets worste.. it only had white spider webs when i opened the jars... its been curing for almost 2-3 weeks can i still water cure it?


Active Member
Not sure on the watercure. To be honest it's fucking hard work and takes a long time. Look it up. Cut all the mould off and dry it proper. Then jar it up when it's dry and pop the jars daily. Sound be OK.


Well-Known Member
if i dry the shit out of it right now will it still mold? it doesnt look tooo bad but im sure mold just gets worste.. it only had white spider webs when i opened the jars... its been curing for almost 2-3 weeks can i still water cure it?
actually u can still water cure and believe it or not its very very simple lol alls u have to do is put the buds in water and change the WATER EVERY DAY do this for a week straight and then let the buds air dry for 48 hours and ur golden...mind you that water curing is for personal smoking only because when u do this u loose all smell of the buds and also loose like half of the weight. but the smoke will be chem-free and very smooth


Well-Known Member
well hes a pic of it.. im not sure if im too late for water curing as my bud right now is pretty much dry as can be had a fan on it for the past 3 hours now.. will being completely dry take the mold out.. or will it still be there?? and i should water cure it now..



Well-Known Member
well hes a pic of it.. im not sure if im too late for water curing as my bud right now is pretty much dry as can be had a fan on it for the past 3 hours now.. will being completely dry take the mold out.. or will it still be there?? and i should water cure it now..

you can water cure at any time because your putting the buds into doesnt matter if they are dry or not when a bud gets wet its not dry anymore lol. in my opinion the buds dont look bad u can try smoking a little and see if you can taste it and u can keep some bud and water cure other bud u know...