moldy oldy oil?


Well-Known Member
lol i didnt start acting like a gaping ass and got gaping asshole remarks so again you guys are all just a bunch of trolls again im disrespectful? the responses i got were disrespectfull so i gave it back i lost faith in this part of the forum so SIT and SPIN
do you know what a troll is? It's the internet dude, don't get butt hurt because some people don't want to use MOLDY weed. Not everyone is going to agree with you or have your standards. If you can't take peoples opinions, don't post on a forum lol.


Well-Known Member
i had an issue with mold the last time i grew. i fucked up my drying process and TONS of weed got molded. i wasnt about to get rid of it. when you have molded bud the best thing to do with it is make ISO hash. i used 99% isopropyl alcohol, the alcohol kills the mold. it turned out really well, smoked lots of ISO hash, had some GREAT highs with it :D the first time i smoked ISO hash i forgot how to stand

its super easy, you probably had the right idea with soaking it in alcohol, but heres the process...

get a glass jar with a good lid. grind up your weed and put it in the jar. add just enough iso alcohol to cover the weed. make sure the lid is tight, then shake the jar for about 30 seconds. then pour the soaked weed and alcohol into a coffee filter and filter the liquid onto a glass dish. squeeze as much liquid out of that coffee filter as you can get without breaking the filter and getting pieces of weed in there. then let the liquid in the glass dish sit for a while, i usually leave it overnight with a small fan lightly blowing on it. then the next day after the alcohol has evaporated, theres just nice sticky ISO hash left on the dish...scrape it off with a razor and smoke that shit! :D