Monkee's Grow - Stealth, From Seed 12/12, CFL


Well-Known Member
This is my first grow journal ever and Im very excited to get it started. Ive been involved in others peoples grow for a while now but this is the first chance that I have to start my own grow. I was going to set up my entire closet but I decided it would be fun to just fuck around this summer and try out something stealth cause I have people walking through my place.

I'm making the basic rubbermaid container set up but I've noticed how if you walked into someones room who had one it stood out hardcore...

My grows starting next month but I wanted to start the journal with me building the box and have anyone who wanted to to be involved while I do it.

One thing to start off is that I know ill be doing a lot of things 'wrong' to start off with in a lot of peoples eyes... I'm only growing with 6 cfl's, i've seen other people whove had the same set up as mine get away with it so I figure id try it

Im in this for fun and nothing else, I dont care about super big yeilds or the really detialed specifics. I made this journal as a learning experience before I start a closet and also as a tool for other first timers to see any benefits or faults of what im doing

So with nothing else to say here is my grow box:

Here is the inside with my lights and carbon fliter in the back with fan

I'm far from done, I still need to light proof it, put on some mylar... wire up some fans and cut some intake holes... but those will come with time
And if you want to see the light set up click here...

Have a lot of strains from friends but im sticking to LR2's and White Widow

Grows starting next month, and randomly updating building the box... when the grow starts ill be posting every few days

Welcome to my grow journal and feel free to chat, I want to hear what everyone has to say


Well-Known Member
Hey Monkeeman

I'm gonna be starting a similar grow next week- gonna go 12/12 on some afghan kush fem's- gonna use a t-5's the whole way in a bubbleponic system- i'm gonna be watching yours to get some tips- i've never done a 12/12 from seed before- gonna be interesting


Well-Known Member
Hey pitbill leave a msg with your grow and I will follow it as well. Expect an update this week of the cab almost done with everything ill be using :).

Then a week vacation before I get this started. I've been thinking about it and my plans have changed a bit... im going to start 3 white widow from seeds, then when i find males they will be replaced by Lowryder 2's so i dont have to wait forever

I've only ever done bigger grows with friends but this will be my first stealth and first 12/12 from seed

Also how much detial do you want when the grow starts? My buddy wants me to include the smell from outside the cab when i post and thats interesting so I will do that



Well-Known Member
Always, the more detailed the better- some of us are more detailed than other- i for one am not very detailed. I like you cab- i was thinking of building a similar one- the cabinet i'm using for the LR grow has some strange dimentions. I'm real curous on the 12/12 from seed. I grow only for personal consumpion- so a yeild of 3+ oz is a nice one for me every 3 months- around here at 250-700 an oz even if i get the fem seeds i'm way ahead of the ballgame. I'm real new to the inside stuff- this LR grow of mine is the first- my outside stuff goes out in 3-4 weks and thats my bread and butter- 9 fem plants, 4 zamal x sour nl and 5 neville haze x sour nl....i got a great spot and after the first 2 weeks i dont see my girls until late sept early oct- if 3 make it i'm up to my knees in buds, and i always get at least 2 that make it. looking forward to your grow, hope ya get some nice bud off of it- Mine starts in about a week, i got my fingers crossed!!!!!!!!!!



Well-Known Member
Hey everyone ive been pretty lazy with getting the box together... went out and bought the pots, soil, nutes and everything else today

Heres the lid, i had to add some supports and it kind of cripped my 100% front stealth look, but all and all i just throw some papers on the top and it looks fine

Ive been light proofing it with mylar, ive got all but 1 side done, and i added in a fan to the case so it moves some more air inside of it

Ill update tomorrow with soil and all the more detialed things ill be putting into the grow


Well-Known Member
Hey bro, I love CFL grows AND I love stealth grows so this is right up my alley.
I'll suscribe and hopefully help out when I can and stick around to see some nice buds.
Btw, I highly recommend you use a different reflectant besides aluminum foil.



Well-Known Member
its not aluminum lol, its mylar

im standing over taking the pictures so it doesn't look reflective however when light hits it that box will light up!... its the inside of chip bags... mmmm, eating my way to a finished box

thanks for sticking around uber it will be nice to have some company on this grow lol


Well-Known Member
i could go buy 30 dollars worth of mylar rolls to fill the box

or i could get 9 bags of chips... yes for anyone attempting this get 9 big bags, its the best way to go, and its 100% light proof

however I have to admit its been a lot more time consuming doing this properly then i expected, if you think ahead you have to do so much more work then just going by the seat of your pants lol


Well-Known Member
oh and for anyone else trying this my biggest tip is


to save time i first painted the containers white (yes i used plastic paint)... then after a few days all the pain started to sink into the plastic... so i had to give it a second coat... the smell alone delayed the grow (i was going to start 2 weeks ago) but i wouldn't put the plants in there

also before you tape anything to it you have to chip off the pain first cause the tape peels right off of it... its been the biggest headache making this ever

im hoping to get a few good grows without having to alter or redo anything for the box so im trying to do it right


Well-Known Member
Nice man! I've been trying to figure out a good cheap way to get this proverbial "mylar", looks like chips are my answer. Thanks for the idearr :joint::mrgreen:


Active Member
this is a great set up that you have! much stealthier than the other one that i've seen. i think that i could put that almost anywhere inside. i was planning on a closet set up 2, but i don't need that yet.

are you going to cross your widow and Lr2? Im planning on starting in month or two


Well-Known Member
i have white widow and when i fnid out any are male ill be throwing in lowryder 2's, thats the plan, still getting all my loose ends figured out but grow starts in a week from today :), ill update daily with any information people need


Active Member
how will you access your plans. Ive seen a lot of stacked rubermade setups put i fel like you cant really access your plants that well. Is there something im missing something. really clean setup by the way. I love the chips bags.


Well-Known Member
actually you can open up the cab from the top of the bottom box as well to reach the plants, the top of the bottom box was cut out and taped to the other one... so the lip still works perfectly