MONSTER BLOOM 0 - 50 - 30 -----------how to use it ------- +rep


Well-Known Member
MONSTER BLOOM 0 - 50 - 30 -----------how to use it ------- +rep
i bought some Groteck Monster Bloom 0-50-30

+rep to people who have used it

I switch my lights to 12/12 on Monday

who has used it?

How to use it?

Whats a good feeding schedule with it?


Active Member
Where'd you find info on it? I just picked up some myself and plan on applying it starting with my next feeding..I heard it's suppose to be some really good stuff, but to use with caution because it can easily burn your babes..


Well-Known Member
Where'd you find info on it? I just picked up some myself and plan on applying it starting with my next feeding..I heard it's suppose to be some really good stuff, but to use with caution because it can easily burn your babes..
i am about to start tommorrow, i am in my second week of flowering and bud sites are starting so i figure good time to start, i suggest you get a digital scale and start at .01 gram per gallon of water and work your way up. Its great stuff.


Well-Known Member
I Started Using it today too. One one crop I used my regular nutes plus the Monster Bloom on the Second I used Fish emulsion fertilizer with Monster Bloom.