More Leaf Problems (Pics)

prime mover

Active Member
Hi all!

Out of my 12 plants most of them look healthy but I'm still having some strange leaf problems?? I have yellow tips on some, and others are just crispy and curly. The temp in my room is a little high but not out of hand. Does anyone have any idea what may be wrong? Over or under watering or too many nutes?? Any help is greatly appreciated!!




Well-Known Member
Phosphorus toxicity. Leech soil. Recalculate your nutes phosphorus level too high for those plants. Good Luck.


Well-Known Member
I've been using Fox Farm at 3/4 strength. I'll try a flush tomorrow and see if that helps.

I use fox farm products @ 1/2 strength. Are you using open sesame, beastie bloomz, and cha ching as well. If so those products have huge phosphorus numbers.

prime mover

Active Member
How do I properly leach my plants? I've never had to do it before. Do I just flood them with pure water?

Again - Thanks!!