more nutes than i know what too do with lol.


Well-Known Member
I think i may have gotten too many free there is never enough free. haha guess i will be trying like 5 diff kind of nutes over the next few.....years LOL. got gh lucas(bought that though derp), AN JJ(3 liters free), NFTG advanced line(paid shipping),Rock Nutrients(woman won it and they ended up sending 2 for the long wait we had)...... Also Have Earth Juice G/B(paid as well) but thats my O/D stuff. But the reason I say i have too much is I grow at the most 4 plants in a small 2.5x2x4 cabinet lol. I use a 10 tube 140w T5 that I put together myself. Also Use 7 single t8 bulbs(these are more blue) on back wall for supplemental. all together I have like 275. i know lol. drowning in juice. lol