More problems


Yet again, I’m 30 days into flower and plants are showing mad sings of some kind of deficiency. I’m thinking either calcium or manganese. I’m new to growing so please don’t be too harsh. Temp is 78 1000 watt hps ocean forest and happy frog mix 50/50I’m feeding emerald harvest nutes 1 on 1 off ph I did a slurry test and I’m running 6.4 so my question is what do y’all think is going wrong with my plants? Do I flush then cal mag or am I all wrong?


Well-Known Member
EC is important how does anyone know how much you’re feeding. Give you nutrient dosage. I’m someone is using what you’re using and can help.


Well-Known Member
Looks like calcium to me personally, I would just add some cal to my feed. I wouldn't flush but that just my opinion and opinions are like assholes everyone has one..

Also pics of the whole plant would help.

How big are your containers? If they aren't very big in under 10 gallon they probably used up most of the nutrients in your soil which means you would need to feed at a higher dose to compensate. But it'd hard to tell how big your pots are, they don't look big from what I could see. Organic Small pots need lots of nutrients to sustain it in the form of either bottled nutes/top dress/aerated teas.

I run organic small pots and if I don't top dress on a consistent basis every 1-2 weeks in flower my plants start looking super unhealthy.

Hope that helps


Well-Known Member
You might have fungus gnats, unless you have the yellow sticky traps you might see one or two and not think you have a problem.

It happened to me, my plants looked just like that three weeks into flower. I battled the gnats for the next 6 weeks, the plants looked terrible but the end result was fantastic.

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Well-Known Member
If it’s in a pot and you’re doing proper dry-wet cycles then it should be super light to the “pick-up weigh test”.