More than just cancer and aids treatment


Well-Known Member
Well i think i know why the America lets aids and cancer patients use marijuana. You see these are people that are likely to die anyways. So in turn making it seem like a confort drug only. I have now lost my job due to layoffs. I had to quit smoking. I have lost about 60 pounds. I no longer have regular bowel movements, my wife hates my add type attitude of agry dismay. I realized this is my natural personality. I am made up of a red haired person, a 3/4 italian and my grandfather was a genius with his invention still being used today. My memory is almost photographic wheather i smoke marijuana or not. It really seems to have either a slightly positive effect because it perks my interest "add". So now that i have quit i have done so much shit that i wouldn't have ever done had i not discontinued my self medication.

So i gave the legit medical industry a try. I have been of course trying to keep myself very busy to fight severe depression. In doing so i strained my back. Now i still have health insurance so i went to the doc. I explained to him my ordeal and that i am resisitant to all pain killers, including novacane, so i wanted an alternative, real treatment for my ailments. Well wouldn.t you know in the waiting room there was a lexipro drug rep there and thats what med he gave me. you guessed it, lexipro. Well and for the back pain i had xrays done. Even thoigh the xrays were in the same small, 1 floor building, it was on a different medical system, thus not covered by my insurance. The lexipro just gave me suicidal thoughts, thatnks doc, glad the rope broke. There are huge problems with profiteering in the medical industry. One third of most hospital sq ft. are dedicated to offices who manipulate billing in order to rip off the patient and work with the insurance company.

This is how it works...
say your bill is $1000, and you are insured for 80%. Well the real cost of your procedure/time/med suplies/labor may have been about $220, so you have to pay 200 and the insurance pays $20. I am saddened at the state of america. It wasn't always like this. And there is little choice in the matter because everyone gets treatment wether they pay the bill or not. I would love to see a bleed out policy in place for any gang related shooting. Along wiht legalization of drugs, and the FDA going straight to hell, and they will. Drugs can be designed very cheap now. The whole research and development is a huge lie. HUGE LIE. I believe in capitalism, but i feal that america has really fallen to a level of world sliminess that we must get out of, and make changes imediately before things spiral further out of control. Why did the us president bail out the rich? I can't think that the majority of america is invested in the stock market. I truely don't believe that jewish peoples were penned and gassed for no reason. Not even the most insane person would do that. We must look into the underhanded activities of the jewish peoples that got them in that position. What if our nation was invaded years from now. And all americans were looked at as the small % that exploit other countries for CEO profit. What comes around, goes around and the human life and enviromental, social, and psycological destruction the US has caused in the last 5 decades is unequalled by anyone. Other nations did it different but we have appressed and killed billions of our own people for the benefit of the few. By reading this you would think i was anti-american. Really i only wish that the american peoples ideals and wishes be reflected in our governments actions. Yes, terrorism has to be stopped. But how can u stop it if you kill somebodys cousin, than you got the whole family against you, either at the poles or picking up guns. After 9/11 there should have been another week of shock and awe. When bodycounts are equal we are even, right, wrong. The civilian bodycount alone is trple what happened on 9/11. And does nobody have any understanding of our "terroristic" begginings. It turns out that america was originally owned by england. After a couple of gorilla battles and a tea party look what happened. Our founding fathers grew hemp, and used it all the time. Henry ford made a car that ran on hemp oil and made out of plastics sythesized by marijuana. We need to move forward, but to do so we must look backward and do away with political gains from prohibition and tax factory emmsions so highly that the dupont devils need to lobby for lifting prohibition. Well hopefully somebody reads this and tears it appart. I am in no way saying that every jew is born bad. But we all know about the community and its way of only using each others services, making them immune from the travesties they created in the medical industry. God speed america, I still have faith in you. Jesus came to speak to the jews in time of need, i believe we will see him again soon. My hopes are that we see him with beating hearts.:cry:


New Member
I know how you feel about medical treatments and insurance / hospitals defrauding patients with billing. I feel your pain more than you'll ever know.

Doctors don't ever give you the full story either, it's just here take this pill. It seems they've always got the "new and exciting wonder drug" then 5 to 10 years later there's those TV adds "did you take the new and exciting wonder drug? people have been dropping dead from it, call our law firm now"

I've given up on conventional medicine. It seems to me that they want to keep you coming back over and over rather than actually curing you. They treat the symptoms, not the cause.

It's a person's right to decide if they want to use synthetic drugs or natural methods. People are not able to put their health issues on hold while men in suits dance around each other arguing over a plant and if it's "devil weed" or not.

Don't let anyone put you on Zoloft, I've been off that shit for 2 months now and am still having brain shocks and vertigo from it. Non habit forming my ass. Fucking liars at Pfizer.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, not gonna get zoloft. I am doing my damdest to chill. And biting the tounge while my brain thinks so much....its all good though. Just caved, so horah! THC for me, i just gonna be kick ass worker that will put off the piss test, well till they stop askin.


Well-Known Member
Harvest; I completely agree with you... what has this country become... I've read a lot of books in regards to the Pharmaceutical scams. Ill have to find the article later, but in fact, some major scientist just came out of the woodwork and admitted fraud in the Pharmaceutical industry --- faking statistics, reports, etc... all for money.

You made some interesting points about Jews and America... The same people run the World, America, Our education system (controlling the TRUTH we don't learn), and everything else. Let me quote Benjamin Franklin:

"There is a great danger for the United States of America. That great danger is the Jew. Gentlemen , in whichever land the Jews have settled, they have depressed the moral level and lowered the degree of commercial honesty. They have created a State within a State, and when they are opposed, they attempted to strangle the nation financially as in the case of Portugal and Spain."

"For more than 1700 years they have lamented their sorrowful fate, namely that they were driven out of the motherland; but gentlemen, if the civilized world today should give them back Palestine as their property , they would immediately find pressing reasons for not returning there. Why? Because they are vampires and cannot live on other vampires. They cannot live among themselves. They must live among Christians and others who do not belong to their race."

"If they are not excluded from the United States by the Constitution, within less than a hundred years they will stream into our country in such numbers that they will rule and destroy us, and change our form of government for which Americans have shed their blood and sacrificed life, property and personal freedom. If the Jews are not excluded, within 200 years our children will be working in the fields to feed the Jews, while they remain in the Counting House gleefully rubbing their hands."

"I warn you, gentlemen, if you do not exclude the Jew forever, your children`s children will curse you in your grave."

"Their ideas are not those of Americans. The leopard cannot change his spots. The Jews are a danger to this land, and if they are allowed to enter, they will imperil its institutions."

"They should be excluded by the Constitution."
Can't say we weren't warned? Look at all the richest people in the world --- BANKERS -- they're all Jews.. coincidence? It's illegal to smoke pot... it's illegal to do an unprecedented amount of things impairing our freedom...and we will get sent to jail for all of them. Now... I'm not talking about A.I.G or anything else... but rather scams that have been commited in the past 20 years: What happens to the business executive and banker, who steals 50 BILLION dollars in a scam against all the people... NOTHING.

MARIA THERESA, Queen of Hungary and Bohemia (1771 - 1789) "Henceforth no Jew, no matter under what name, will be allowed to remain here without my written permission. I know of no other troublesome pest within the state than this race, which impoverished the people by their fraud, usury and money-lending and commits all deeds which an honorable man despises. Subsequently they have to be removed and excluded from here as much as possible."
GEORGE WASHINGTON, in Maxims of George Washington by A. A. Appleton & Co. "They (the Jews) work more effectively against us, than the enemy's armies. They are a hundred times more dangerous to our liberties and the great cause we are engaged in... It is much to be lamented that each state, long ago, has not hunted them down as pest to society and the greatest enemies we have to the happiness of America."
Ok, Ok, I know it's hard to hear this, beleive me.. I'm no bigot, but.. Instead of seeing what you want to see.. with a blind eye.. when you open up and realize all this.. you can't but help ask yourself...

Did Hitler really go through all that trouble, just because he hated a jew who made him fail at his art career? OR did he realize all of this, and want to put an end to it?

I can't make such obscene statements without offering a solution...the solution is to get rid of, or audit the Federal Reserve system. The Federal Reserve is a PRIVATE INSTITUTION, that obeys no government regulation or rules. Alan Greenspan has even said on video, that the fed "is above the government", and the government has no control on what it does. THIS IS WHY WE HAVE THE ISSUES WE DO TODAY! They print as much money they need, cause insane amount of inflation, and they send trillions of dollars of our money -- TO UNKNOWN PLACES ( because we can't monitor them because they're a PRIVATE INSTITUTION ). This is why the Messiah (lol) Ron Paul introduced a bill, that wants to audit the fed. If people want to know more I can point you too some information that will inform you of the real issues regarding the federal reserve.

All our founding fathers warned of a central bank, because there is not one single thing benefifital that stems from it! Look where it's got us! Right after a central bank was established, we had a Great Depression. During that time, several congressmen said it was an engineered political disaster! Back in the 1800's, Andrew Jackson tried to abolish a central bank due to all the problems it was causing, but the jews overpowered him!

Educate yourself, don't let those in power dictate to you "the truth", because only then does it become the truth even if false!


Well-Known Member
Yea, people think i am crazy sometimes. especially tha shit that comes out my mouth in mixed groups. And really the weak minded ever have problems. I truelu believe that hitler was messed up. He shouldn't have done all that shit to the jews. But i've read what they did to germany and how they would not help germany in ww1 even though they had lived there and robbed them in loans and such. I think that antisemantics are dumb. But a wake up and look and prove and stop it is in order.