more than one plant in the same flowerpot?!


Active Member
I have seven babies in my wardrobe right now... and today I woke up and saw that i actually have more... in any of the flowerpots i putted one seed ... how come that happened? what should I do? should i remove the new one, or thats normal? take a look at the picture...


Active Member
yes i planted only one seed in any of the pots ... i have that problem now in 3 pots ... the seed looked fine ...not so big... do you think i have to cut those off or i should leave them there or i should transfer them into another pot?


Well-Known Member
they will be ok.
try to move the light closer.
you could add some more soil, around the leggy stems, i do that all the time, dont have it too wet though. try to get a fan on them too.
what light and light sced you using?.


Active Member
what is sced? :) i'm using 2x18W fluorescent lamps for now, today or tomorrow I'll go and buy a 250W mH or HPS ... i think I'll use 250W because I'm doing that in my wardrobe so not to burn them. I'll put Fan as you said ... but i cannot put the lights closer they are like 10sm above the plants ... isn't that good enough? of sced means reflection I'm using metal folio taped around the wardrobe...


Well-Known Member
a light sced is
for vegg 18/6 or 24/0=light on 24/7 for vegg
12/12 for flowering.
your flos will be ok for the 1st 4 weeks.
but get an hps for when you goto flower.
good luck mate.
any more pics.
if you need any help just ask.


Well-Known Member
for vegg i use 240.
i never turn the lights off for vegg.
not for 4 to 8 weeks when i goto 12/12.
12 hours light
12 hour dark.


Active Member
by sced he means your veg schedule, 18-6? 24-0? ya know? and splurge the 25$ for a roll of mylar, why not use the best of the best when its that cheap? There low w fluoros, create no heat, you can put that shit up to like an inch and a half from them.