Morning Glory


Well-Known Member
Just harvested about 500 seeds from my heavenly blue morning glory that grew wild last year on the fence. Here is the bag (picture) of the final seed product (maybe 100 seeds from the stash). Anyway, I read this: to reach hallucinatory effects comparable to 200 to 300 micrograms of LSD (a 4 to 14 hour experience), a person would have to ingest 100 to 300 morning glory seeds. The seeds can be ground up and ingested like a tea, chewed, or swallowed whole. The product is called LSA. And my post was also to share some kind of drink they make from the seeds...

  • Processing Methodology:
    1. If using treated seeds wash thoroughly in detergent and cold water first.
    2. Grind seeds to powder in coffee grinder
    3. Place powder in jar with a "healthy" qty of petroleum ether.
      (~360-500 ml/500 seeds (can't use too much, can use too little))
    4. Put lid on jar and shake it vigorously for a while. Let stand 20 minutes (you can shake it more if you like)
    5. Shake jar, remove lid, and pour suspension into filter (with filter paper in place). Use second jar to catch the petroleum ether than comes through the filter paper. (Windows should be open or do this outside otherwise you will get prematurely in a non-canonical fashion). If some seed powder clings to the side of the jar, rinse it out with some of the filtered ether. When finished, you will have slightly discolored petroleum ether in a jar and the powder on the filter paper.
    6. *** DO NOT DRINK THE PETROLEUM ETHER ***. Put the lid on that jar and save it to reuse next time (you can get at least five processing cycles out of it). Dry the seed powder THOROUGHLY. Wash and dry the empty jar.
    7. When powder is thoroughly dry, place it back in the jar and add alcohol. The amount of alcohol is critical, since you will be drinking it later, and will vary according to your propensities, tolerances, and the intended intensity of your proposed voyage. For light, recreational use, assuming reasonable alcohol tolerance use 1 oz. of alcohol per 30-50 seeds. For intense meditation use 1 /250 seeds. If you use a high seed/alcohol ratio you will want to prepare a large number of seeds at a time otherwise you will be working with micro-quantities and it gets more tedious (unless you like that sort of thing).
    8. Soak the seed powder in the alcohol, shaking frequently, for three days.
    9. Filter again, as before. Discard the seed powder (unless you wish to make 'soap'). Keep the alcohol for use.
    10. Drink the alcohol to achieve desired effect.
Interesting stuff. Thanks for reading.



Well-Known Member
ha! i just drank a shake with either 250 or 350 i forget if i had 500 or 700 and i didnt wanna count them again. but i split them up between two trips one for me one for my girlfriend. shes kinda scared to drink hers. can you explain the trip please


Well-Known Member
I have heard it was a little more mild than LSD. There is a youtube video of some guy who did about 700 and he explains in great detail his trip. From what I remember, he said he was outside, looked at the grass, and looked at the sky, the sky turned into grass, so did the buildings, for a few seconds, then went back to normal. Weird.