Most lenient State?


Well-Known Member
SO if you get busted Growing indoors in cali (like no more than 9 plants) what do you think happends?


Active Member
dude usually when you get busted growing if your over your legal limit then they take the amount that your over. I have my card but if you didnt have your card and get busted your fucked


Well-Known Member
dude usually when you get busted growing if your over your legal limit then they take the amount that your over. I have my card but if you didnt have your card and get busted your fucked
what he said.
if you don't go over your limit, then you're fine.
you could probably get away with more, but it's not recommended.
for some reason i have a sneak suspicion that you're asking for money making purposes...


Well-Known Member
Card? Can someone explain this "card" to a Canuck? Thanks! (I am trying to figure this legal limit thing out with you guys down south of the border)


Active Member
yea im in toronto and grow kinda personal... its my opinion the cops are so damn lame, and have such lil business that they will bust u for one plant charge u for possesion over for the purpose of trafficking, then smoke and sell that good shit while getting a raise.


Well-Known Member
the real question is, what's the second most lenient state?

Might I propose some contestants as Alaska, Ohio, and (as of Nov 08, Massachusetts)


Well-Known Member
how easy is it to get a card in Cali, I heard the doctors will like lead you into an answer for why you should have one if yours isn't legit enough. Sounds like the doctors are making loot off prescribing it.


Active Member
put it this way I think I said 10 words I walked into a room of 20 ppl and each one was at least dropping $100.00 and thats just like an hour of appointments think of like 15-20 patients an hour 100 each= Shit load of money