Most weight from one plant?


Im curious to know how much is the most you have ever gotten from one plant, I ont have much room to work with so i want to know whats the best route for me to take.
Soil or Hydro?
What nutrients?
Pot size?
What wattage?
Any topping or LST?
Room design?


Well-Known Member
I would add a limit to the veg time too. anyone can pull off a few oz's of a plant they have vegged for 6 months. Say 6 week veg max. Just my oppinion.


bud bootlegger
the biggest yield i've seen from one plant was a lil over 19 ounces from one apple jack plant grown in dwc under a 250 hps.. if you want, i can find you the link for the grow journal that was done on this site.. the top cola of the plant was bigger than my arm.. not my grow, but was a good buddies of mine..


New Member
22 ounces, grown outdoors in northeast usa, indica/sativa bag seed, grew about 13 feet tall, all i used for nutrients was miricle grow lol


Well-Known Member
I personally grow for quality first.....yeild does not play any role in any deciding factor throughout.....I'd mush rather have an oz of dank than 1 lb of shitty....


Well-Known Member
the biggest yield i've seen from one plant was a lil over 19 ounces from one apple jack plant grown in dwc under a 250 hps.. if you want, i can find you the link for the grow journal that was done on this site.. the top cola of the plant was bigger than my arm.. not my grow, but was a good buddies of mine..
WOW holy hell lol now that apple jack looks f'in choice was there ever a consensus on the final weight though from what i read he was expecting less than 1lb but hell ether way that top cola was a definite monster and from a 250 and some cfl's i am extremely impressed with that grow.


bud bootlegger
WOW holy hell lol now that apple jack looks f'in choice was there ever a consensus on the final weight though from what i read he was expecting less than 1lb but hell ether way that top cola was a definite monster and from a 250 and some cfl's i am extremely impressed with that grow.
yah, that grow was super impressive to me to say the least.. and i agree that quality should come first, but why not get both if at all possible.. i would always rather have a 1/4 of dank over an ounce of reggie, but i would much rather have 19 ounces of dank over 2 ounces of the same dank, no??
and i'm fairly sure that mind had said that all told he got a lil over 19 zips from that one plant.


Well-Known Member
My biggest indoor yield was something in the region of 2oz dry, I'd vegged for around 40 days. It was fun, but you need a lot of space to really push for those big weights, and an even greater amount of patience as you're pretty much emulating an outdoor grow, so you're talking like 3-4 months of flowering.
Having said that, I do envy the guys who live in warmer climates and are able to get plants to thrive in a way that gets them like 4lb+ per plant.