Mother Plant - Lighting / System


Hello RIU.

I am wondering what kind of lighting everyone is using for their mother plants, in my situation, 1-2 mothers, along with what kind of hydro system? Do they sell one pot hydro setups?




Active Member
Like 50 W per plant.. so lets say one big 120W CFL,OR a 200W CFL, or a few of the 100W equivilent spiral style cfls.

Or you could use a 100W, 150W Metal Halide light, If you choose that you may be able to hold even more mothers


Active Member
I find that T5s with 6500k bulbs work ideal for mothers. The larger bulb allows for a more distributed light pattern, and t%s are intense enough to sustain substantial growth in larger plants. I grow all mine in soil - very easy to maintain and no need for hydro when you are only growing her for clones.