mother plant


Active Member
I read somewhere that after you flower a plant you can trim the buds off and veg again. My question is can you use this plant as a mother plant for cloning?:peace:


Active Member
Pretty sure you can trim same plant. Do it just before you harvest. Best idea is to have 1 mother plant always and wait for the new nodes to grow. I have 2 grows with 2 lights. One finishes and another is halfway through and I start a new grow as soon as I can. 1 light longer wait for a larger harvest, technically. Clone with care. Theres more to it, but overall its pretty easy and best way to grow new strains or growing in general. Have fun. Peace! :)

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Active Member
Well it is possible to flower your plant until it shows sex and if its female you can choose to put it back into vegetative, but I think too much time is lost with the plant re-adjusting to the light cycles and whatnot. I have never seen anybody with a plant 6-8 weeks along in flowering that put it back in vegetative though. My advice (and many others) is if you want a mother plant, take a clone from it, root the clone, flower the clone until you are confident about the sex. If it is male, get rid of the clone and the plant the clone came from ASAP, if it is female, get rid off the clone and keep the plant if came from in vegetative as your mother.