mother plant


Active Member
does any one know alot on cloning i need some help on producing a mother plant, well actually how do you make a mother plant?? any one with some advice it would be
very appreciated...thanks :confused:


Active Member
A mother plant is simply a plant, which you keep aside from the others, that is constantly in veg. growth, and on a 18/6 cycle.

Thus, never flowering. Instead of focusing on budding, it puts all it's energy towards roots, and producing branches: for cloning.


Active Member
ohhh iight cool so if you clone it as long as you do the 12/12 with the clone they will grow buds?? and how meny clones can you make from one mother plant??? thanks


Well-Known Member
ohhh iight cool so if you clone it as long as you do the 12/12 with the clone they will grow buds?? and how meny clones can you make from one mother plant??? thanks
Depends on the size of the mother plant. I am about to take 3 clones each from my 2 mothers. Not a lot , but that's all I needed.


Active Member
oh thats wussup... ... you could make the clones into mother plants rights?... and also after you cut the clones from the mother plant can you then grow buds with the same mother plant that you just cut the clones with and if you could, would you have to switch back to 12/12 or stay around 18/6?? im unclear about this??:joint:


Well-Known Member
uh? what lol! Youre not making a whole lot of sense. Just take your clones from youre mother plant and keep them in vegatative growth until there big and strong (about 20 inches) and then flower the clones not the mother. Than take clones from youre mother every month or so. You shouldnt have to flower your mother.


Well-Known Member
Hey there, maybe I can sum it up for you:

Any plant can be a mother plant as long as it's female, and as long as it stays on an 18/6 light cycle (vegetative light cycle). You can keep letting the mother grow and take as many clones as you want, provided there's sufficient nodes to cut off and replant. You're supposed to take the cutting four nodes down from the top of a branch on the mother plant. Use some kind of "take-root" substance to get the cutting to produce roots. Now you have a clone.

Any plant will bud as long as it's female, and as long as it stays on a 12/12 light cycle (flowering light cycle). Typically, you don't want to flower your mother plant(s). You would really only need to flower the clones. Since the clones are already big, they would probably only need 4 weeks of veg cycle before you can switch them to 12/12.

Technically, you could bud your mother plant if you switched it to a 12/12 cycle, and then use a growing clone as a new mother plant, as long as you keep the clone on a 18/6 cycle.

Hope this helps. Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
You need a separate grow space for your mother plant. A veg room needs bluish light, t5's are ideal, or MH - and needs 18/6 at all times. Mother plants provide clones (ie: children) for you. Most people want a shorter, bushy mother so they have a lot of places to take clones. You can bud your mother plant your your ready for it's life to end, but why would you want to bud your mother, its your provider of clones! Here's a good guide on how to make and care for your mother plant. How many clones you can take depends on the size and health of your mom plant, so i keep 2 bushy mom's of my favorite strain at all times. Sounds like your a bit confused and need to read up.

Check this out if your serious about making one.


Well-Known Member
Any plant can be cloned at any stage but it is easiest to take it from a plant in vegetative state as cuttings from flowering plants take a good bit more time to root .

The size of the clone when you put it into flowering is totally up to how you want to grow . Sea of green - you put them in a few days - a week or two after they root . Big plants , you veg em for a month give or take depending on the strain .

It isn't like growing from a seed since the clone is as old as the mother so it is old enough to reach full potency no matter the size . If you planted the seed 2 years ago then the mother and every cutting is 2 years old as well genetically . You can clone clones of clones - it doesn't matter as long as they are healthy .

There are many ways to clone so read up on a few and pick a method .

If you are taking cuttings pre-flowering make sure you label all the cuttings and the mothers so you know what you are working with . That way when you harvest you can pick which clones to make your mothers for future cloning based on yield , potency , flavor , flowering time , etc .
Again , make sure you have a Sharpy and label EVERYTHING !!!

Don't forget , read , read , and read some more . Then you can pick a method best for you or try a couple of them back to back since certain plants respond better to different techniques .

Hope this made sense , been a long 4th of July...

Good luck .


Well-Known Member
I should add - use very dim light like a far corner of you veg room while you are waiting for the cuttings to root - too much light is too stressful for them . Blue light is the best for getting them to root .

I use one of these turned upside down . : 95-Quart Pink Storage Bin, Set of 5 : College 08
These are much more durable than a plastic high-top horticulture dome that snaps on the trays . You can sit this in a closet with a small blue light sitting right on it or you can put it in a corner of your veg room as it will help break up the light since it isn't perfectly clear .

I just bought stuff today to build a mister for rooting but I have used those plastic storage bins forever with great results .

edit - the one in the link is really expensive and is a set of them . I just wanted to show you what I was talking about . You can get them in dollar stores , Walmart , or grocery stores for under $10 a pop and they can be used forever . Make sure you get one at least a foot deep but aim for 18" or more .
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