Mother - Trimming ??

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
hmmm alright i am trying to cut some clones and maybe trim my mother looking for some input before i just go cut away

Alright here is the clone giver.......i am not to sure how many cuts you can do to one plant at once..........i heard to many cuts at one time can shock the shit out of it or even kill it.......i was thinking after i heard that maybe i should trim one day and take clones a few days later.......whats a good size for a fresh cut clone trying to cut as much as possible,........ looking at the bottom branches i dont even know where to start with them..... i was thinking taking clones from the top so that would help with the hieght.....but the bottom shit should i trim it or just leave it...its getting so big and after i take these 6 clones im not going to need to take clones tell what 3 months or around there tell i need new clones for my flower room.


Active Member
In my opionion you can take as many clones as you want to from a plant. I personally take clones from the bottoms shoots since when they go into flowerin they will not yeild muc. Depending on the stage of growth they can be harder to get to root, but personally I have never has any problems. I always use a cloning gel though and scrape to. I like to leave the top/main shiits because they is where the most but will grow and of course the most potent. I have heard of peropl takin 10+ clones from a plant at a time. Now depending on how may you need and how many momas you have I will generally take 4/5 per plant depending on how many shoots there are. If you have height issues and not putting into flowering in the next couple weeks - definatley take from the top.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
what about the bottom branchs there getting big ...... should i just cut them in half even know i dont need them as a clone???..........i just need 6 clones every 60 to 90 days hmmm what could i do with the cuttings i know theres hash oils and baking ill look into it but any one know whats the minimume cuttings you need ??


Well-Known Member
I keep my mother in a waterfarm also. I cant keep up with her. She grows too fast. I throw out my trimmings when the 35 clonner is full. I even pass on clones to friends. I also have to trim her between clone cuts. Soon Ill have to look into root pruning. When you have a healthy mother you can take alot of cuts!



Well-Known Member
I keep my mother in a waterfarm also. I cant keep up with her. She grows too fast. I throw out my trimmings when the 35 clonner is full. I even pass on clones to friends. I also have to trim her between clone cuts. Soon Ill have to look into root pruning. When you have a healthy mother you can take alot of cuts!
did you just grow that mother out like without topping it or any sort of technique?

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
I keep my mother in a waterfarm also. I cant keep up with her. She grows too fast. I throw out my trimmings when the 35 clonner is full. I even pass on clones to friends. I also have to trim her between clone cuts. Soon Ill have to look into root pruning. When you have a healthy mother you can take alot of cuts!

thats a thick ass trunk on her .....what is her diamiter

i wanna see how thick one plant cant get its trunk to be

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
very nice how old is she smoke med? have you topped her alot ? yea i saw a movie were a plant grew into a tree .... was wondering if it was possible if someone trimmed it every year and no one messed with it that be sweet


Well-Known Member
I've found you only need a growth tip and a couple leaves. Keeping your cuttings small seems to make them root faster and you're more likely to end up with evenly sized plants later. The more growth tips you cut off of the mother, the more she will grow for future cuts. Lower, older branches generally root faster, but I often top and use that just to maintain height.

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
Here's some trimming I did on one of my mothers. And then about 2 1/2 weeks later. No idea how many good cuttings got tossed. Also had root rot and cut the roots back at one time all the way to the pot.. You can see what the root trimming did to the root system. It was a bush to.


Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
dam man you trimmed down to almost nothing .........i wanted to do a trim like that but i thought i would shock the shit out of it and die on me ...... i will take some clones then trim it down like that :fire: she dont know what shes in for next weekend hahaha


Well-Known Member
You use any roots excel? I just got Home and Garden's version, have heard really good things... I'll try it out on my moms in a few days.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
i was going to grap it but shit 80 for a small bottel shit .........i was thinking you only would need them on clones or mother has tons of roots to many i wouldnt think i would need to waist the excel onthe mothers ....i was even thinking of cuting the roots on her since i heard it stunts growth

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
very nice upabove that looks like a nice little tree you have ..... i want to do that then plant it out doors in the wild let it get really big hahahaha one day a huge weedtree :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Yea thats a good idea. I dont think I could ever flower her inside, when Im done with her. She would be to big for my house. Her clones are amazing. Check out her buds:

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
HashLover you gave her a nice haircut!
Heres my mom. Kittys gonna eat a few branches off of her.
Looks like kitty is going to give up catnip huh?
Ya, chopped her right down. I don't have much head room for veg yet. But I don't need it either. It only takes a small mother to make enough clones and I don't want to take care of a big plant if I don't need to. Real nice looking bud dude.