Movie: Magic Trip


Active Member
Highly entertaining documentary about Ken Kesey's legendary acid-fueled bus trip across America in 1964. Summary from

"In 1964, Ken Kesey, the famed author of "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest," set off on a legendary cross-country road trip to the New York World's Fair. He was joined by The Merry Band of Pranksters, including Neal Cassady, the American icon immortalized in Kerouac's On the Road. Kesey and the Pranksters intended to make a documentary about their trip, but the film was never finished and the footage has remained virtually unseen. With MAGIC TRIP, Oscar®-winning director Alex Gibney and Alison Ellwood were given unprecedented access to this raw footage to create a documentary of this extraordinary piece of American history."

Oh yeah, and they were taking LSD the entire way. It's a tribute to the skill of the documentarian and the film editors that worked on this that it is so interesting and fun to watch this mess of 45+ year old home movie footage. We can all learn some important lessons from watching this movie. For example, if the LSD is mixed with orange juice and everybody is taking a sip from the can of juice being passed around, don't up end the can and go "glug, glug, glug". All of the pranksters had nicknames, and the girl nicknamed "Stark Naked" was the one who chug-a-lugged the acid-spiked OJ. You then find out how she got her nickname. She also had to go home early because "her molecules did not all come back together" in the words of one of the pranksters.

Buy it or rent it on Amazon or download it on Bit Torrent - let your conscience be your guide.

