Mr Harpua's First 400watter Bagseed Grow


Active Member
Hello RollItUp!

So this is my first grow and im excited to learn from all you experienced growers here on RIU! Im starting this journal a little late as I started the 12/12 light cycle this past Friday.

So lets get right to it!

My grow space is a walk-in closet that has the two walls lined in Mylar. My light is a Sun Systems 4 400 Watt High Pressure Sodium with an Eye Hortilux HPS Bulb with an added blue spectrum. The temps in the closet can get around 85 in the day and about 75 (i think) at night. Right now the top of my plants are about 12 inches from the bulb.

I have three plants in flowering now. They are all bagseed from some decent Norcal Outdoor. I know two of my plants are ladies but the third still hasnt shown its sex yet. In regards to age, im not really sure, they were started outside by my roommate and I brought them in once they got to be a good size.

I am using Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil as my medium along with Grow Big and Big Bloom nutes. Im not sure how big my grow containers are but they look like they are about two gallons or so.

Before I started flowering I was using the FF Grow Big nutes every other watering at about 1/2 strength. I did my first 1/2 strength feeding today of Big Bloom.

So when I checked on my ladies this morning they were looking pretty weak. The leaves are starting to droop and im not sure why....any suggestions?

Check out my pics and please send any comments or suggestions my way!


~Mr. Harpua :blsmoke:



Active Member
Just a little update....

Leaves are still looking pretty droopy and weak on the bottom half of my tallest plant, towards the top the leaves look much healthier and are not curling like they are on the bottom. Hopefully by the end of the day tomorrow she will start to perk up some. My other two seem to be doing better since yesterday.

Today was the 4th day of flowering and im feeding every other watering with 1/2 strength big bloom with a PH of about 7. My air exchange is good and the temps are around 80 during the day.

Any advice on the drooping and curling of the leaves would be much appreciated, im not really sure what to do here.

Ill post new pics at the end of the day tomorrow.

Thanks fellas!


Well-Known Member
Just a little update....

Leaves are still looking pretty droopy and weak on the bottom half of my tallest plant, towards the top the leaves look much healthier and are not curling like they are on the bottom. Hopefully by the end of the day tomorrow she will start to perk up some. My other two seem to be doing better since yesterday.

Today was the 4th day of flowering and im feeding every other watering with 1/2 strength big bloom with a PH of about 7. My air exchange is good and the temps are around 80 during the day.

Any advice on the drooping and curling of the leaves would be much appreciated, im not really sure what to do here.

Ill post new pics at the end of the day tomorrow.

Thanks fellas!
what up my brotha!? i wouldn't worry about that for now, they look really healthy to me..nice seen my shit in a while??



Active Member
Whats up dude, im glad your here GKN, its good to have your green thumb around. I haven't been around RIU recently but I plan to update this journal daily when I can so ill be following your dank lil garden right to the end.

Your ladies are looking beautiful bro, I just might have to try the 12/12 method myself


Active Member
Looks good man, juss startin out with bluberry for me haha, keep that shit growin and stay safe

Thanks Swisher, im excited to see how this grow turns out since its my first.

Good luck with your Blueberry grow. Id like to throw some blueberry clones into the mix with this grow. :bigjoint:


Active Member
Hey guys, I didnt have time to post an update yesterday and Im not going to be able to post pics until tomorrow but heres a lil update till then.

My plant that I was unsure of showed his balls today so he got the axe. My other two ladies are looking better than the other day but ther are still some leaves that are curling on the bottom half of the plant.

Im still just feeding with 1/2 strength Big Bloom every other watering, is that good for now? Ill be adding Tiger Bloom tomorrow, should that be 1/2 strength as well?

I am also curious about transplanting once I am a week into flowering. Since im down to two ladies id like for them to be as big as they can be so id like to upgrade to a larger pot.
Would this put too much stress on my plant? Good idea? Bad idea?

Thanks dudes!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I didnt have time to post an update yesterday and Im not going to be able to post pics until tomorrow but heres a lil update till then.

My plant that I was unsure of showed his balls today so he got the axe. My other two ladies are looking better than the other day but ther are still some leaves that are curling on the bottom half of the plant.

Im still just feeding with 1/2 strength Big Bloom every other watering, is that good for now? Ill be adding Tiger Bloom tomorrow, should that be 1/2 strength as well?

I am also curious about transplanting once I am a week into flowering. Since im down to two ladies id like for them to be as big as they can be so id like to upgrade to a larger pot.
Would this put too much stress on my plant? Good idea? Bad idea?

Thanks dudes!
feeding is good as long as plants are responding well to it... if they dont seem to be negativley affects by what you are doing to them then keep it up...

transplanting into those 5 gallons pots will definatly benefit your plants.. i wish i would have been able to get bigger pots to transplant into but my budget wouldnt allow and timing was bad as gardening inventory at stores was limited.. check out my journal if you want.. links on bottom.. im a little past half way through harvest...

good luck and keep it up


Active Member
Ok so im back and I have successfully transplanted my two ladies into 5 gallon buckets.

I transplanted them with Fox Farm Ocean Forest Soil and gave them a healthy watering with a ph of about 7. They seem to be doing just fine, no major shock or anything like that. After transplanting them I let them soak the sun up for a little while before moving them back into my grow room.

Ive tried to attach pics to this post three times now and cant get it to work for some reason, it just never stops "uploading"...hrmmm. Ill try from another computer later.

Anyway im glad I transplanted them and I hope I get some Big Ladies!

Thanks Sampson and Frmrboi for the transplanting advise!

Hopefully I have some pics up here soon.

Mr. Harpua :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
glad things went well with the transplant.. be looking forward to seeing some pics... you welcome for the help.. all ya gotta do is ask!


Active Member
glad things went well with the transplant.. be looking forward to seeing some pics... you welcome for the help.. all ya gotta do is ask!
Thanks dude, ill be sure to ask any questions that come to mind.

So its been two days since I transplanted both my plants into 5 gallon buckets with Fox Farm Ocean Forest Soil. They are looking good but still showing some signs of droopy leaves on the bottom where the light is not as intense.

My tallest plant, lets call her Bertha, has grown to be very bushy so there isnt much light that gets to the bottom foliage so the leaves dont look so healthy. On the top half the foliage is very thick but also very healthy, and it looks like its starting to open up.

My other lady, Delilah, is not nearly as thick so the light is able to reach the inner part of the plant better. She is looking pretty good so far, starting to show some promising bud sites.

I added a little perilite to the mix but the soil seems to be retaining a lot of moisture still, I guess I didnt add enough. I mixed up some Big Bloom (2tblsp) and Tiger Bloom (1tsp) together in a gallon jug for my next feeding. I heard to be careful with Tiger Bloom so Im starting off with just under a 1/3 of the recommended strength.

The first pic was taken Friday afternoon just to give you an idea how they were looking before I transplanted them on Saturday. The rest of the pics were taken this morning. I also threw in a picture of my upside down tomato plant that im feeding fox farm nutes. =)

Enjoy, and any help is much appreciated.

Hope everyone had a chill Holiday weekend.

Mr. Harpua :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
Thanks dude, ill be sure to ask any questions that come to mind.

So its been two days since I transplanted both my plants into 5 gallon buckets with Fox Farm Ocean Forest Soil. They are looking good but still showing some signs of droopy leaves on the bottom where the light is not as intense.

My tallest plant, lets call her Bertha, has grown to be very bushy so there isnt much light that gets to the bottom foliage so the leaves dont look so healthy. On the top half the foliage is very thick but also very healthy, and it looks like its starting to open up.

My other lady, Delilah, is not nearly as thick so the light is able to reach the inner part of the plant better. She is looking pretty good so far, starting to show some promising bud sites.

I added a little perilite to the mix but the soil seems to be retaining a lot of moisture still, I guess I didnt add enough. I mixed up some Big Bloom (2tblsp) and Tiger Bloom (1tsp) together in a gallon jug for my next feeding. I heard to be careful with Tiger Bloom so Im starting off with just under a 1/3 of the recommended strength.

The first pic was taken Friday afternoon just to give you an idea how they were looking before I transplanted them on Saturday. The rest of the pics were taken this morning. I also threw in a picture of my upside down tomato plant that im feeding fox farm nutes. =)

Enjoy, and any help is much appreciated.

Hope everyone had a chill Holiday weekend.

Mr. Harpua :blsmoke:

had a great chill weekend.. thanks... how was yours??

so remember that during flowering your girls will stretch to double or more the size they were in veg... dark = stretching in veg right? well it takes about 2 weeks for plants to change from veg to flowering hormones... so for about 2 weeks they are still growing like normal.. so 12 hours of darkness = 12 hours of stretching... some do it more than others.. sativas WAY more than indicas.. so bertha could very well end up with good spacing and plenty of light penetration... you can also prolly get away with moving the light closer.. or have you tried this?? i bet if you kept a fan blowing on the top of your girls you could get light about 4-6 inches closer with no probs...

i havent used the TIGER line at all.. ive heard good things... but all liquid nutes are SUPER strong.. so you definatly have the right idea using 1/3 strength nutes... i always gradually increase strengths of solutions like that on my own plants... it keeps from shocking them or burning them...

its good your soil is retaining moisture as long as its got good aireation and the roots can breath and the soil drains properly... adding the extra perlite will greatly improve both...

plants look great... your definatly on the right track bro... should get a nice little crop...

keep it up


Active Member
had a great chill weekend.. thanks... how was yours??

so remember that during flowering your girls will stretch to double or more the size they were in veg... dark = stretching in veg right? well it takes about 2 weeks for plants to change from veg to flowering hormones... so for about 2 weeks they are still growing like normal.. so 12 hours of darkness = 12 hours of stretching... some do it more than others.. sativas WAY more than indicas.. so bertha could very well end up with good spacing and plenty of light penetration... you can also prolly get away with moving the light closer.. or have you tried this?? i bet if you kept a fan blowing on the top of your girls you could get light about 4-6 inches closer with no probs...

i havent used the TIGER line at all.. ive heard good things... but all liquid nutes are SUPER strong.. so you definatly have the right idea using 1/3 strength nutes... i always gradually increase strengths of solutions like that on my own plants... it keeps from shocking them or burning them...

its good your soil is retaining moisture as long as its got good aireation and the roots can breath and the soil drains properly... adding the extra perlite will greatly improve both...

plants look great... your definatly on the right track bro... should get a nice little crop...

keep it up
My weekend was good, definitely chill, spent some time kickin it by the pool, grilling out, and just watching the days go by =)

Ive heard that they get significantly bigger in the flowering stage but i was never sure by how much. Im not sure but I think this maybe a indica dominate strain.

I moved the light closer like you suggested and they seem to be loving it. I was a little hesitant because my light doesnt have a lens on it so it puts off a good amount of heat but they did fine. They are probably about 4-6 inches from the bulb now. The bud sites are really starting to show and they look nice, I cant wait for them to get bigger!

I havent watered since i transplanted on Saturday afternoon because the soil has been so moist, I checked it today and the soil was close to dry so I will feed tomorrow for the first time since transplanting.

So all and all they are doing good so far.

As it turns out there is some "shifting" going on among my roommates and im loosing the space that I currently have to grow in probably as soon as friday. What I was thinking about doing was converting a wardrobe closet into a grow cabinet but I havent really decided. If im going to throw money down on a cabinet I want to make sure its the right move and if I do it I want to do it right the first time so I can use it for future grows. Ill have to look into cabinets a little more but im pretty sure thats what im going to do.


Well-Known Member
glad your weekend was good...

keeping the light that close will make a HUGE difference... dunno if i said this or not but if you get a small box fan or oscilating fan and blow air on your plants it will help out a lot with heat... plus itll keep your plants breathing fresh air... glad they are responding to it tho...

5 days is about right after a transplant for watering... if they are using water that means they are over shock... so normal growth will resume...

they definatly went bigger... i had some 2 1/2 foot plants that ended up 6+ feet in flowering... theres ways to keep your plants shorter and not have that issue.. but oh well... they are producing very nicely.. they look fairly indica dominant so you should have to much of a stretch...

the wardrobe idea sounds good.. itll actually be better because you can line the walls in it with reflective material and keep the light all in there which will increase the light to your plants... biggest issue you are going to run into is heat... make sure if you want to do this that you have a good exhaust fan to pull heat out and one bringing fresh air in also..


Active Member
So I never thought I would have to write a post like this but here it goes.

I had to pull the plug on my little grow op. Due to some work related incidents, there was a pretty good chance the FBI was going to show up at my front door with a search warrant. This had nothing to do with me, in fact the company I work for didnt even really do anything wrong, they are being blamed for shit they didnt do.

It started last Wed morning when the FBI raided our main office then searched the owners home looking for files, computers and whatever. There are two other "Bosses" in the company and one of them is (was) my roommate so the chances of the feds to come knocking was pretty good. I came home, did a complete sweep of the house and was out within 15 min, I probably could have done it in 10 if I didnt sit there and contemplate cutting them down but it honestly was not worth the trouble if could have been. Even though they didn't end up coming im glad I did what I did, there is no sense in risking any kind of legal trouble with the federal government.

I guess now just isnt the time for me to be growing, heh. At least I have the equipment I need to start growing again and I can just save my money and have the nice setup I want when the time is right.

Thanks for following me this far Sampson, your advise has been greatly appreciated and very helpful.

Mr. Harpua :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
damn bro.. im sorry to hear about all that.. that is not cool that you had to ditch your plants for something that not only had nothing to do with you.. but for something that didnt happen.. im glad nothing happened to you or anything.. sad to hear about everything else tho... when the time is right come back and look me up.. be happy to help you out some then...

take it easy



Well-Known Member
ahhhh Jbles, that fucking blows man!!! so sorry to hear bout that...there was no way you could've moved the plants to a secure location?? take care man, and be safe...
