Mr.X's OD experiment


Well-Known Member
Well here in the south the sun is around a bit longer. Today the sun is out for 12h:17m. 2 weeks from now it hits 11h:54m.

Knowing this I germed a few skunk #1 seeds to see how well they will grow. Also to get a little buds.
2/3 sprouted and grew, hopefully at least one female.

The pics are in order from day 1-3,when they popped out of the soil.

Thanks for looking. will post updates every day or every other day.



Well-Known Member
Well a lot has happened in the last 2.5 weeks. I lost one of the babies when it rained for a few days straight, just a few days after the first post. The one left is the smaller on in the corner of the first post of pics.

Where I'm at, we are at 11h58m of sun this week. the plant right now is getting 10 hours of continuous rays. yesterday , i thought i saw some 2 white hairs at the growing tip. but they ended up being leaf growth.



Well-Known Member
Only one. I have an unfriendly fellow next door. It's kind of in the open. but from a far "Like the distance from the fence," it's cameoed nicely with the garden.
Just for fun.
Even tho it's one plant. Reading is one thing. I'm hands on. Keep honing my skills.

Where can I pick up a 10x jewelers Lupe? OR 10x anything? I boycott Wal-mart. btw

Picking up some molasses tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Flowering season my friend. It was established on the brink of flowering season.
Woah, my bad I missed the 'Just N of the Equator' in your loc. I took 'south' as in south US.

How long is the longest day of the year where you are?


Well-Known Member
Molasses, a gal, every 3 to 4 waterings correct? toady is officially day one of flower.


Well-Known Member
Think i have a bug problem. SPots on selective leafs looks like i used a magnifying glass to burn holes in it. I found one light green bug munching on the main stem. and multiple black things on the underside of the leaves. almost to small to see. here are some pics. not the best quality taken on my iphone. please some one help

