

Well-Known Member
I got an email from MMC yesterday about a ban that the Maine State Housing Authority has implemented on MMJ patients. I will paste the contents of the email here. I thought there were protections in the law specifically for some of this stuff.


On October 3rd, the Maine State Housing Authority board voted 4-3 to ban medical marijuana patients from possessing, cultivating, or using their medicine on property that receives funding from MSHA.
Official MSHA notice at:

If you or anyone you know is a patient who would be impacted by this ban, be in touch.
Your stories can make a difference.

Rep. Deb Sanderson, who sponsored LD1296, Maine's medical marijuana bill that restored the intent of the Citizen's initiative, and got rid of mandatory state registration for patients, has been working to challenge this ban, and is working with others to change this ruling. Anyone willing to speak out who would be affected by this, be in touch, your stories are important, and could help reverse this bureacratic fear-based decision.

Sanderson argues that by banning the use of medical marijuana in these housing units the board is going beyond the scope of their authority. "MSHA's authority is to see that the housing they subsidize is safe and up to code. Period. It is not to police activity of a tenant. That is a job for law enforcement and law enforcement has the exact jurisdiction of section 8 housing as they do regular rental units or private housing. If there is evidence of illegal activity, they will address it," Sanderson said. Full article at:
Read the BDN Coverage.
The MSHA board will be notifying those who are affected by the ruling soon. Patients will have 30 days from the date of that notification to stop any growing or smoking of medical marijuana.
It is possible the board could reverse the ruling at their next meeting scheduled for later this month.
[According to MSHA Board Member and State Treasurer, Bruce Poliquin]
"I hope the board does revisit this and perhaps speak to several patients who use medical marijuana." But Poliquin says it's unlikely they'll reverse their position on medical marijuana for section 8 recipients. "It's always possible to revisit issues, but the board has taken a pretty strong stand on this," Poliquin said. "At least those that voted to restrict this substance from these apartments."

A regular meeting of the Commissioners of the Maine State Housing Authority will be held at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, October 16, 2012 at 353 Water Street, Augusta. The meeting is open to the Public.

More info at:



Well-Known Member
Section 8 housing is a federal program....anyone that receives federal money has to play by federal rules, and cannabis is against the rules.....


Well-Known Member
Yeah ok that makes sense, but it was MSHA that's doing it. They must be fretting over federal dollars.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
ya ban the MMJ users and let the drunks and the depraved drug addicts or socioeconomic co-dependant wasteoids in there at dirt cheap prices . . . .classic fail

sorry maine , im sure a civil rights suite will change it but damn


Well-Known Member
On a brighter note, the Schedule I status may change soon. It is in federal court today, in fact. Three federal judges review a case that started well over ten years ago. The case challenges the Schedule I status, which states "no medical use" among other things.