Murky rain water ok for teas?


Active Member
I'm quite concerned that whatever crap our local water supply has in it may be killing the beneficials present in the teas, i mean I boil water and aerate and it STILL stinks of chlorine. My wife goes mad when she has a bath saying it smells like a swimming pool. :shock:

Id hate to think im brewing all this great tea and the good stuff is dying off.

I think i may have a solution but was wondering if anyone has experience with this. Ive collected rain water in my yard now for over a year but its in a bath tub and things like leaves have fallen in there (it now looks murky)

Would it be ok to use such water for teas?

My reakoning was that maybe its got more microbes in it. Is there any logic behind this? :confused:

Much obliged



Well-Known Member
I would say this water is most likely fine to use and certainly better than heavily chlorinated water, I would bubble it to encourage aerobic bacteria before watering and i would not hesitate to use it for teas. Though i am no expert.


Well-Known Member
You could always filter it also with a doubled up tshirt using a pump to get it out. And aerate with bubbles check ph of water. I collect rain but only because my tap is hard hard. Rain is naturally soft and has no minerals in it so keep in mind CAL/Mag supplement if needed.