Mushroom Identification


New Member
Mushrooms found in grave yard and nearby forests...

First one was found in a graveyard it has black-brown gills and is black edge. around the cap. medium in size.
Second two where found in rotten leaves both fairly small while one has a long yellow-orange stem has a orange spore print cap has a "nipple" or is convex. last is the one smaller than the size of a quarter fragile stem completely brown including print.
i was wondering if anyone had any idea or pictures to help me i.d. them?

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
There are only two kinds of mushroom-hunters: Smart, educated ones, and dead ones. Some of the smart ones are dead too.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Russian Roulette would be a much more fun way to go, a bullet to the brain is instant. Mushrooms dostuff like destroy your liver over six weeks, look up The Destroying Angel to get an idea. And much of the time poisonous mushrooms will be present amongst a group of similar looking edible or psychedelic mushrooms,so even if you make a collection and send a spore print to a good mycologist ( the onlyway tobe sure) you have a real chance at a poisonous one having made it into your collection. Just let it go man,you can see we're all serious about this!