my 1st grow Kaya Gold


hello all,here's update of my babies,have topped the plant on the right,looking a bit puny,have left plant on the left as it looks sweet a has really tight nodes,loads o leafage and a nice thick stem



cheers man,loving plant on the left,lovely leafy tight nodes,not so sure about other one hhmm it still growing but just not so quick,will leave em for the mo,another 2 weeks maybe 3 weeks of veg,its my 1st grow so not expecting miracles lol


wey hey i can see little white hairs coming out o larger plant still in veg,looking like female deffo,well wanna be buying female seeds haha

just pleased i aint stressed em to go hermie

pics coming up soon :}


cheers man,well did have a bit nute burn on smaller plant,can see in pics but seems to have cleared up with new growth on top set o leaves,thank feck lol

temps @ 78-82 during day and 68-72 night

gonna veg for another week.5 weeks altogether just brought lights down from 20/4 to 17/7,not sure if necessary but just dont want to shock plants going from 20/4 to 12/12 just a bit TLC i guess


ok here's some pics of both plants now 5 weeks old + 3 days of flower :} big plant looking well nice,other still looking sick but leaves at top seem okay for growing 2 cola's hopefully,fingers crossed.

flushed sick plant last week,might go for another flush in a day or two,still seems to have some nutes in there it just doesnt want



Well-Known Member
you should put lil mirrors around them and they will get way more light off thoes lil bulbs. they say to use sum gift wrap paper but idk the name. its the shiney stuff and its mirror like. dont use alumin foil though, it holds hot spots and isn rely 2 refelctive .

i say that because i noticed one of ur bottom leaves dieing.


cheers purp,yeah man couple o ill leaves on the smaller plant,had and still maybe having an issue with nute burn,think i started em too early and way too much

sound advice though man,appreciate it,will look into it

it did perk up though a lot after 1st flush but looks like i may need to flush it out again