My 2nd season trying NEW IDEA's


Active Member
How's it going guys, I'm just checking in on some forums to see what people
think on some idea's. I'm currently planning on obtaining around 30 plants in
this season's medical garden. To help prevent confusion I'm going to lay this
season's idea's straight out. PLEASE GIVE ME YOUR FEED BACK!

-I plan on using around a 50+ gallon water reservoir where I'm having my
water/nutes being mixed together, ready to be dispensed through my drip system.
I understand I'm going to need a filter or a pump to keep the nutes/water mixed
together while sitting in the reservoir. As we follow the water/nutes to being
dispersed throughout the drip system, which pump is recommend to push the
water/nutes through the drip system, or should I put the reservoir up high and
use gravity for the work? Next it comes to which kind of sprinkler head am I
going to want on the end to make sure it doesn't get clogged up? I'm going to be
putting a timer connected to the reservoir for exact timing of water every day
or other day.

-My questions about the Watering
1. What filter/pump to use in the reservoir for constantly mixing the nutes
and water together?
2. What kind of emitter at the end of the tube should be used to keep any
kind of clogging or build up from happening?
3. What pump do you recommend to use for pushing the water/nutes through the
drip system? Any idea what PSI it should be around? I have one that does about
40psi, and a few others I'll find and post in a day or two.
4. Anyone recommend a nice timer? I'm thinking of using the DIG hose thread watering timer.
5. What would work best to filter out unwanted stuff from my water before I put it into my reservoir?

2.Soil and Buckets
-I plan on buying Happy Frog soil, as I've talked to a few friends and was told it was they way to go over Ocean Forest. Now the thing I've recently been confused on is adding perlite and lime to it. Is it necessary to add either one to the soil considering it seems lots of people use it straight out of the bag? Now I plan on transplanting my clones into 5 gallon buckets, with 5 1/4inch holes on the bottom. Each one of these buckets is being placed into a hole in the ground with a little bit of gravel below the bucket.

-My questions about Soil and Buckets
1. Should I be adding perlite or lime or any other amendments to my soil?
2. Is it too much soil for a clone to go straight into a 5 gallon?

3. Nutrients
-I plan on buying the Cutting Edge Solution, for my nutrients. It is a liquid nutrient. Now, I'm not sure this is the greatest nutrient for outdoor plants, so I'm very open to hear what other people suggest using from EXPERIENCE. I don't really have any questions on this part, but really open to hearing what other people use and their opinions.

These are my idea's for this seasons grow. Please give me feed back and let me know what you think and your idea's. Thanks for you time!


Active Member
hey tbr, regarding the soil, lime is used to adjust the pH of your soil and perlite aids in drainage. get yourself a nice pH meter to see how much lime you need/ if you need any. lime will raise the pH so if you're too high, just add more neutral soil.



Well-Known Member
yo, the drip system is a great idea for outdoor growing, expecially if your trying to cuts down on the number of trips you make to your site. I would use a small fish hose or i guess any small hose will work as long as you camoflauge it. Try to get the hose so its drips like every 3-4 seconds depending on how well your soil drains and the temp, and size of your plant. The bigger she is the more water she is going to want. Its kinda like a guessing game. So pretty much hang your resivior above the soil and just like gravity do the work, no need for pumps. Also you dont really need any kind of sprinkler, some people like to run the hose around the pot in a circle pokeing little holes in it do evenly water the soil. Some people just put the end of the hose right at the base of their plant. Regardless of the technique just be sure ur plants are getting enough but not flooding them. peace.


Active Member
Thanks Indigo, I believe that the Happy Frog soil has a ph of 6.7 or 6.8, so I'll see.

Northernlights4, yes after last season I realized the way to do it is using a drip system, takes a lot of time in your garden with out one. I've see people use something similar to what you were talking about, its a small circle around the stem with the tubing and it squirts out in a little circle. If I'm to put my reservoir above the soil, which is ground level, is it really going to have enough pressure to evenly distribute to all my plants?


Active Member
i went from seedling into big pots. i put the top half of a coke bottle over the plant to help protect it from wind until the plant got too big for it. from 4 plants they all did fine. Mine were from seed, not clone though


Active Member
I'm not to worried about my clones not starting a good root structure in the 5 gallon pots, cause the clones root structure is going to be screaming to be put into a nice big pot. I'm going to take some pictures this weekend of the grow spot with the holes dug and the buckets in place. IF anyone could help answering any of my watering questions around the reservoir and stuff, I'd greatly appreciate it.