my 6x8 shed first time indoor scrog official thread


Well-Known Member
Still seems like a N deficiency would most likely be the problem. 1 part systems are probably good for your current situation, and I have heard nothing but good things about fox farms.

Plants always start leeching Nitrogen towards the end, but usually it shows up in the leafs, yellowing leaf tips on the tops, its usually not a bad thing, depending how far into flowering you are.

And did you say your seeing mold???? Thats bad news, mold is always in the air, but it take specific conditions to reproduce, if your already seeing it settling and reproducing its only gonna get worse.

I would get a cheap dehumidifier ASAP.



Well-Known Member
a dehumidifer? Walmart...HD, Lowes, Literally anywhere like that. You can get a cheap one for like $40-50. Usually they have a bucket you have to dump whenever its full, but if you look you can find some that also have a hose attachment so you can just run a hose outside.



Well-Known Member
a few new pics lookin ok i switched to supernatural nutes and gh floronectar supplements yesterday and they didnt look too shocked or anything today so hopefully they like the new stuff better can i still add the cal mag ?anyone know? im kinda confused about the supernatural its a 1 part nute and it says to put about 2 teaspoons per gal and to feed every 2 to 3 weeks that doesnt seem right to me do o u think i should put like half the recommended amount and feed normally ????? oh yeah heres a couple of pics that u might see the yellowing im talkin bout better is it deficiency or normal



Active Member
Wow a very interesting and long posting, glad things have started to straighten out. I hope that everything turns out great for ya. I know that there is nothing better than super mind blowing weed. Everyone lives a good burn. Anyhow, I hope you caught the mites in time, and that you were able to get things taken care of. I know that there is a lot of different suggestions going on, but just keep at it. Best of luck to your budding, and to your final steps in the grow. Just make sure you let us all know the final output wet and dried from the grow.



Well-Known Member
You should post new pics.

The yellowing almost seems normal, My plants flowers are way more yellow directly under the light. Chances are its not gonna be a N problem with Some of the plants, but not the rest.

That being said, weed does start leeching N towards the end of flowering, this is normally not a bad thing depending on how much flowering time you have left.



Well-Known Member
ill take some pics right now but i think somthin is wrong an d ive lost some crucial solar panels to yellowing and dropping off i still have a month of flowering left


Well-Known Member
ill take some pics right now but i think somthin is wrong an d ive lost some crucial solar panels to yellowing and dropping off i still have a month of flowering left

Yellowing and dropping off?

Are there any UPPER leafs doing this?

Lower leafs that are getting NO LIGHT will turn yellow, dry up, and die off.

Especially with SCrogs, lower leafs under the screen that get no light, should be trimmed off cause they arent doing much but dying.



Well-Known Member
and what causes pistels to brown i dont know if u can tell but look how some buds look perfect w/ big buds pistels perfect and green leaves and others are smaller browning pistels and some pistels are shriveled and gone already



Well-Known Member
Its a really tight, dense canopy. Have you done any pruning? It looks like they could really use a good trimming, down bellow, anything dying or not getting light.

It almost looks to dense to even get proper airflow, I would clean them up, do some pruning, making sure not to remove any active fanleafs, just lower useless crap.

Get some oscillating fans above and Bellow the canopy if you dont already have them.

Yeah a lot of them look normal, browning is a sign of aging. Its harder with ScRogs because when you grow flat, lower branches always mature faster, and the tops never really look "Done"

These are all the same strain right? Cause the different flowers look different, prolly form different airflow, Im guessing the ones near the intake or exhaust are the healthiest? Also the ones by the door are prolly doing nice from the fresh air?

Overall they dont look too bad. I would look at deficiency charts, it looks like a couple are curving V shaped. If I remember I think thats zinc or magnesium deficiency but you would have to look it up to be sure.

How many days have they been flowering now?



Well-Known Member
about 5 weeks and three are og kush the rest bbgum actually the ones furthest back are doing the best ive looked at the charts but so many different difficiencys have similar looks and i dont want to make matters worse