My Aerogarden (3weeks)


Both are clones of Skunk1 and Platinum OG, mylar surrounding the box, YES GET MYLAR if your using just CFL's it helps a lot, I only have 2 cfls not 3.

I have the 7pod, silver normal aerogarden not deluxe.

The plants have been 100% healthy except for the first couple days when I got them I was messing with 6.5 Ph which made my leaves badddd.

Anyway, if you have any questions in which I could possibly answer lemme know, other then that enjoy pictures.


If you like to keep track ,use this it has day 1-now

password :leaf:"thedanks":leaf:

photo (5).jpgPicture 4.jpgPicture 5.jpgphoto (6).jpg

If not, scope these recent pics.

Nutrients-General Hydroponics 3-2-3


Long story short, my entire growing of 2011 will consist of one aerogarden growing clones/motherplants and then transferring them to a flowering aerogarden with a hps in the system along with the CFL's unless I take the aerogarden hood off.

But yeah HPS lights forrr sure.


Well-Known Member
One thing I can't understand is why people buy a complete growing system then cripple it by taking off the hood and trying to grow bigger plants in a tiny reservoir under different lighting. Isn't that kind of like buying a Volswagen and then trying to stuff in a Cadillac power train? They create a whole different set of problems. If you're going to do that why don't you just start them in the A/G, leaving it as is, and then transfer them to a bubbling tub that you can light up like a used car lot.


Well-Known Member
no. its like buying a vw and dropping a crate engine in it. It's the same car just with a 500hp motor. Besides, I think it would be pretty hard to stuff a Northstar into a VW:)


Looking Dank man.. How's the G-13 looking?? But yeah I would say, 2 cfls =:leaf: But 150hps+a few cfls=:leaf: I never was that good at math but I'd say that this equation makes sense. It would be very easy to set up as well.. But I'll have to stop by and scope it in person. I want to get some of that mylar too because I think my babies will appreciate it.. But hopefully we will be looking like this guy pretty soon. :weed:
Haha and I think some of those photo creds should go to (sparky12)..


Looking Dank man.. How's the G-13 looking?? But yeah I would say, 2 cfls =:leaf: But 150hps+a few cfls=:leaf: I never was that good at math but I'd say that this equation makes sense. It would be very easy to set up as well.. But I'll have to stop by and scope it in person. I want to get some of that mylar too because I think my babies will appreciate it.. But hopefully we will be looking like this guy pretty soon. :weed:
Haha and I think some of those photo creds should go to (sparky12)..
Haha Sparky for sure, photo credits to you and your HDR's of the G-13.....but yeah come by pick up that mylar and rockwells.

Assassin: I like your setup, I think I'll start using CFL's, as in 2 more.


Taken about 4 days ago, the reason the leaves are downish is because its like in its last hour of time cycle, but yeah (11).jpgphoto (12).jpgphoto (9).jpg


Yo man, an update and some pics would be real nice:weed:.. Wait until you see the journal I'm about to do:leaf:+:joint:+bongsmilie=:cool: and then eventually :sleep: