My autos


New Member
These r the joint dr auto hindu kush approx. 39 days old. left a male in there and when I noticed pollen on one of his leaves i yanked him out. can tell not all the bud is seeded but its growing slowly. had ph flux before, should have transplanted them as soon as they showed gender to hempy buckets. learning experience. The bud sites r tiny, is this normal w a pollinated plant? Not hijacking thread, twotimer asked for pix...also got that funky leaf burn can anyone advise? I got them in a 16qt sterlite w twin 10" bubble bars inside...this is hours later, i just changed the res to be safe, it was about 2 weeks in anyway. 6 PH w general purpose nutes 3 part GH series.



Well-Known Member
Thanks for checking them out terrorizer!

Jizz: I dont know much about hydro as i'v never even tried it, but to me it looks like ur plant has turned hermie? I could be wrong but if you are to harvest any bud from it i dont think it will be much bro and you will deffo have seeds in there for sure.
As for the nute burn i can only suggest you hit her to hard with the nutes to start with maybe a more experianced grower can answer you.
But dude the reason ur plant is growing slow is down to you using cfl's, an hps light would quicken that up, would also bulk them buds up !
Good luck anyways.


New Member
It's def. a female that i pollinated, not a hermie. I intentionally left it in my Veg cab to finish while my big babies are in the other flowering room. This is my only option right now w the room I have left...i wanted a seed crop out of the kush and I understand it will be seeded...that was the point lol. Just curious as to whether a seeded plant grows that slowly or has alot less resin and bud size, etc etc. wil wait her out and get all the seeds I can and decide if it's worth continuing


Well-Known Member
Crazytrain: cheers for the input, it was very smelly stunk my house out big time! i just got by with using incense sticks and air fresheners in the end.
Jizz, i'm with you bro, at least you know u'l have decent seeds that you know where theyve come from, as for the plant producing much bud i think its hit or miss. If i was you i'd get her under a hps asap.


Well-Known Member
I've just harvested my last 2 lowryder 2....drying now and have that unmistqakable sweet/skunky smell....a test bowl made me very happy yesterday as lr2 is some really good smoke. The last two plants yeilded about 20g each.....under hps.
Lowryder 2 is definitely on my to grow again list. Tough, sturdy plants.....beans came from is a favored supplier!:weed:


New Member
the 2timer...its weeks later and they are still doing fine under the CFL"s. the bud is forming really well. I must have had the luck of something that day I yannked the male and he only pollinated the stem buds! the rest of the females are sensi. i pulled a nice dense nug off and vaporized it, huge body hit, fantastic stone overall and its still 10 days off from finish. pulled 2 of the seeds off and they are steely grey and mottled. Really excited, this is a great pheno esp for my insomnia

I just updated this w the photos of the crystally bud and seeds harvested so far. this is under dual spec CFL's about 150 watts worth on 20/4 light sched. PH fluctuation damage one time and thats it, got them flushing now for a harvest next amazed....great quality all around and w the HPS next time the yield will be stellar. Good bud formations and node spacing. A+ body stone!