!!!my Babies Somethings Wrong!!!


Active Member
somethings wrong with one of my babies. i dont know whats wrong. the leafs are like drying out on parts of the leafs. if you touch the part that looks dried it crumples and falls of the plant. heres a picture of it

please tell me whats wrong


Well-Known Member
It looks like either Nute burn or light burn to me....need more info for sure.....lights? feeding?


Active Member
i havnt been using any nutes. ive been watering when the soil gets dryer, between the four plants im giving them a water bottle of water. is this not enough maybe? could that cause the leaf to start dying out? i was also thinking the light might be to close. i have a 250w mh and its about a foot from the plants. is that too close? also its only on this plant. the other plants are doing fine, minus one that is kind of deformed.


Well-Known Member
try increasing the water per watering and start introducing nutes...looks like its needing some nitrogen.


Active Member
um the soil is nothing special. its my first grow so i just bought evryday poting soil, and i dont know the temp. its a closet grow with a fan blowing on them at all times. it gets warm in there but not too hot.


Well-Known Member
You should have used seedling or young plant soil, reg soil can have strong nutes in which burn young plants, so it maybe nute burn x


Well-Known Member
um the soil is nothing special. its my first grow so i just bought evryday poting soil, and i dont know the temp. its a closet grow with a fan blowing on them at all times. it gets warm in there but not too hot.
I would just not worry about it. If it progresses start to worry....make sure you are feeding with pH'd water and everything should come along fine.


Well-Known Member
You should have used seedling or young plant soil, reg soil can have strong nutes in which burn young plants, so it maybe nute burn x

I think that comes into play with over-watering....I have also used pre-fert soil and had really good results...


Active Member
definitly looks just like mine that i nut. burned a while ago. How old are they if they are still young, they should be getting no nut's.


Well-Known Member
are you using any nutrients? if so then stop using them for a while and just feed it tons of clean water. let it drain all the nutrients for about 6 or 12 hours. it looks like you used a lot of chemicals too.