My bar tab!!!!!!! lets have some fun


Well-Known Member

I'm really glad we don't have to account for multiple offenses! The stripper thing would've put me well into the thousands.

those darn strippers,

i forgot to add paying stippers while married with momma at home 500.00
smoking hydro with 65% of the girls at the club 500.00

Rolling and smoking a fat blunt inside the club 500.00

Wow and this was just thursday night.

i love strip clubs,

Before: walk in spend 150-350 go home horney and alone
the next Day spend another 150+ go home alone
a few months later got spend 400.00 go home drunk and nearly broke, but mostly horney

Now Go donate 80-100 a grant on a few drinks
and have the girls loving the Dro, you walk in a club at 9 warm the girlsup slowly and play game on the strippers, i find the waitress are the most desireable girls.

When i wanted to "be the man" i got no respect, now the girls want to hang out after hours, now i leave em Drunk Stoned and all alone.
there is nothing better than seeing naked bodies all over the place, too bad most of these girls are bottom of the barrel, coke, meth addicts. what was appealing in the 20's aint the same @ 35.


Well-Known Member
i got 325, i dont feel that bad, i worried at first but then it all got better. How much is shooting someone in the kneecaps worth?