My "Big" Box


Active Member
Long on labor. Short on stealth. To keep me in smoke and let me keep my wealth.
To avoid that screwed but never kissed feeling I get every time I pick up a happy sack I decide to build my own growbox.
I think I've looked at every diy cab/growbox on the net. I've seen alot of really clean and neat stealth cabs and some downright ghetto looking setups. For model #1 I decided on something in between and built a shameless copy of Tick's sog box(the small one).
I have some woodworking skills. I can cut 2 pieces of wood and screw 'em together but I wouldn't call it cabinetry. So don't expect a work of art.
The outside dimensions are 48"H x 48"W x 30"D and the grow space measures 43.5"H x 40"W x 27"D. The light is a 250w hps. Fresh air comes in through 2 8" x 14" passive intakes with light traps built into the side walls(lost 9" of grow space to that). Grow space and light heat is vented with a 110 cfm bathroom fan connected to a diy scrubber.
I'm looking forward to baking in my new oven.

