my chiwawa ate some weed !


Well-Known Member
Ok firstly i don't agree with giving dogs weed.. but last night my 7 month old chiwawa took a funny turn.. after investigating it turned out she'd eaten about 0.6 of my weed, she was wasted to the point where she couldn't stand up correctly, no ballence at all. I was about to ring a vet, but worried about the (weed facrtor) so read up about it on the net, i found lots of stories of chiwawas eating weed and being ok the next day.. this morning she had improved a lot and seemed ok, but she is still a bit unsteady on her feet, its been 14 hours now since she ate it, anyone know how long this will last as im worried

"Ok firstly i don't agree with giving dogs weed.. " shit look at my av.........


Active Member
I would call a vet. Your dog could've eaten something on the street that turned out to have THC in it, who knows.

They would put a "system" for your dog, to clean the body of toxins.

but that's me, I love my dog and am paranoid about him


Well-Known Member
Ok just got back from the vets, shes gonna be ok, that was kinda awkward explaining to the vet lol, thanks for help anyway
so you told the vet the dog ate your weed? what did the do? I woulda just let him ride it out, if it can't kill a human it probably cant kill a dog.
tho .6 to a chiwawa is probably equivalent to you eating an ounce


Well-Known Member
so you told the vet the dog ate your weed? what did the do? I woulda just let him ride it out, if it can't kill a human it probably cant kill a dog.
tho .6 to a chiwawa is probably equivalent to you eating an ounce
Yea i know what your saying but i was worried the dog is only 7 months old and tiny and the weed was potent, i told the receptionist my dog needed looking at as it was sick, and said i think its eaten something, i was only wanting to tell the vet in the conciltation room, but the receptionist assked what it had eaten so i stalled a bit then just said " its been eating my weed " she gave me an odd look like i was a animal abuser or something, but the vet was cool about it and said " well at least your honest " and said if i had not told her what she had eaten they would of run all kinda tests and it would of cost me a fortune. So all good in the end appart from i got no weed and the dogs chillin lol


Well-Known Member
Follow your dog till it shits it out and smoke it. (Like in Cheech & Chongs up in smoke) My dog has eaten one of my nugs before. She was fucked up but she was cool the next day.


Well-Known Member
Follow your dog till it shits it out and smoke it. (Like in Cheech & Chongs up in smoke) My dog has eaten one of my nugs before. She was fucked up but she was cool the next day.
lol, well i left her over night, but decided to take her to the vets the next day as she was still wasted, shes still kinda wasted now, very paronoid and jumpy, and its been 20 hours now since she ate it, funny thing is she wont eat any dog food or meat ect but shes eating cookies by the boat load ha ha

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
Sounds like what happened to my old golden retriever/lab, here he is, hes super old, but the sweetest dog ever, hes a hippie to the fullest lol but yeah when he ate a weed brownie of mine, he would stand still and his whole body would sway from side to side like a tall building, but he never fell over! lol he was too damn ripped off the brownie, but otherwise, hes high like 24/7 from just the constant smoke cloud in my house, its good for him though, he gets nice and high and then rolls around on the ground scratching his back and plays with us as if hes young again, and im positive it helps his artheritis. Your dogs will love weed if you always smother them with love while theyre stoned...:peace:



Active Member
my sheltie ate some brownies of mine when i was still in in high school and he was really messed up. He started running down the street and pissing all over the place, his legs would get crossed over one another and he would fall over. He was fine a coulple of days later but it was kinda scary. I only post this in memory of him cause he was the coolest buddy ever.


Wow i thought at some point i was a bad person to give my dog a blow here and there but i guess i'm not the only one that does it haha. She's a verry coward dog and wont even go in the yard alone but when we go chill on the deck in the yard and give her a lil blow she's like a freaking adventurer.. goin sniffin everywhere and chasing fireflies etc etc.. Then she comes inside and pigs out with us and ends up crashing on the living room carpet watching family guy with us... Man i love this girl.. lol

Yeah i know she looks retarded on the pic but its just the way her skin is stretched cuz she was rolling around on her chair haha



Well-Known Member
LOL! That is hilarious! I wouldn't worry about dogs eating/breathing weed. Granted I've got big ass dogs, even if you look at the experiments on rats, they have to consume so many more times their body weight in weed that it's just about impossible to overdose...
As for the brownies, the chocolate contains theobromine, which can be deadly to dogs. However, Vets, like any other profession, like money so they make a big deal about it when I think it's really not as bad as it sounds... I've seen dogs each chocolate before. Same with grapes... and supposedly grapes are poisonous too. This is what I mean... When I was at my vets office they had a VPI pet insurance poster, with a "thank you" story on it. Aparantly these people spilled a beer on a table (A beer.. like ONE glass of beer) and the dog drank it off the table... So the RUSHED to the vet where he needed an IV to detox! And thanks to VPI they only paid $200 instead of $600 for the procedure or whatever..... Right....... I'm just thinking.... My lab drank a full glass of whisky once.... on the rocks.... my roommate had left it on the coffee table and we were distracted and suddenly we were like "whats that noise?" Look over, and its the slurping of the dog drinking the Black Label Johnny Walker :-s
To make a long story short, the dog got a good buzz, slept well and was fine... and no bullshit IV for a little OH.

FYI, dogs are cool with the -OH (alcohol). When dogs drink engine coolant/radiator fluid (and they do because it tastes sweet even though its deadly toxic), a large part of the treatment is giving the dog alcohol... Vodka works well. the -OH functional group inhibits metabolism of ethylene glycol. Ethylene glycol is what kills dogs. As it metabolizes in the body, it produces toxic metabolites which destroy the kindneys/liver function and nerveous system. The drinking alcohol helps prevent the production of those metabolites and giving the veterinarian time to induce vomitting/diahreea.

And yeah, my dogs like toking too. Well, kind of... My Great Dane is a damn pothead :) but my other dog has a hate love relationship with it... He'll come up to me (I think because he gets jealous of the other one), sit down and just look at me, waiting for some smoke. So I'm like... ok fine... u want some smoke? and he just cocks his head and shakes his tail... so I blow some his way, and he freaks out with the smoke and kinda sneezes... and shakes his head and runs off to his nook. Then couple of min later, he's right there again begging for another hit! There was a time when i didn't smoke him out, only my other dog because i thought there could be miscommunication and didnt want to make my dog high if he didnt like it. But then it was REALLY obvious that he didn't like his bro smoking out and not him! lol... so now he likes joining in. I never force either of them to do anything. I'm cool with it because I'll be toking, and they just come up to me when they smell it. They can walk away, too, if they want too. but the way I see it, if it's good enough for me, it's good enough for my pups :-)
Oh, and the cutest thing is when I pull out a new bud, I'll show it to them and they approach it really slowly (to like an inch or two away), look at it, smell it and they just sit and lick their lips waiting while I pack a bowl. I love me pups! Dogs are awesome!